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Undelivered Webhook Event Services

All services related to webhook events which are not delivered to target service are listed in this page.

GET List Undelivered Webhook Events

This service is used to get all undelivered webhook events with detailed information.

Path: /api/v1/oms/settings/undelivered_webhooks/

Query Parameters

The following query parameters can be used to get the details of undelivered webhook events.

ParameterData TypeInDescription
tokenstringheaderThe API key of the customer account

Example Request

To get a detailed list of all undelivered webhook events, a GET request should be sent to the /api/v1/oms/settings/undelivered_webhooks/ endpoint. In the headers, set the Authorization header to include the token for authentication.

Here's an example of how to make the request in python:

import requests

url = "https://{domain_url}/api/v1/oms/settings/undelivered_webhooks/"
token = "f532eXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX201XXXXX9332d"

headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': f'Token {token}'

response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=headers)


Example Response (200 OK)

In a response with a status code of 200 OK, the API returns the details of the undelivered webhook events. The response body contains a JSON object with the undelivered webhook events and their attributes such as ID, response_content, response_http_status, delivered, retry_count, object_id, etc.

These parameters are described in the following table.

ParameterData TypeDescription
idintegerPrimary key of the event
webhookjsonWebhook information of the webhook event
created_datedateCreation date
modified_datedateLast modified date
uuidstringUnique key of the webhook event
request_payloadjsonRequest data sent with webhook event
response_contentstringResponse data returned from target service for the webhook event
response_http_statusintegerResponse http status of the webhook event request
deliveredbooleanIf the webhook event is processed successfully by the target service or not
request_datetimesbooleanWhich times webhook event was sent
retry_countintegerHow many times webhook event was sent
object_idintegerID of the object to which the webhook event is sent
content_typeintegerContent type of the object to which the webhook event is sent

This example response serves as a reference to understand the structure and data format returned from this API service.

"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 5941,
"webhook": {
"id": 68,
"retry_countdown_config": {
"choice": "fixed",
"kwargs": {
"seconds": 60
"created_date": "2022-04-15T13:40:22.651798Z",
"modified_date": "2023-10-11T11:38:26.237910Z",
"target_url": "",
"is_active": true,
"secret_key": "",
"event_type": "package.status.shipped",
"callback": "",
"additional_headers": {},
"config": {}
"created_date": "2023-10-12T10:07:35.200005Z",
"modified_date": "2023-10-12T10:08:23.085564Z",
"uuid": "2877cadd-fc60-4a5a-a54f-b7be716f4f25",
"request_payload": {
"event": {
"type": "package.status.shipped",
"uuid": "2877caddfc604a5aa54fb7be716f4f25"
"payload": {
"id": 8812,
"city": "İSTANBUL",
"state": {
"id": 44,
"name": "Shipped",
"config": {},
"enum_class": "PackageStatus",
"enum_value": "700",
"content_type": 4,
"created_date": "2021-06-30T14:43:26.945309Z",
"translations": {
"en-us": {
"name": "Shipped"
"tr-tr": {
"name": "Kargolanmış"
"modified_date": "2022-10-14T10:39:33.524002Z"
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"commands": [
"id": 399,
"slug": "package__update_package_shipment_status__shipped__shipped",
"label": "Kargo Durumunu Sorgula",
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"translations": null,
"configuration": {},
"ui_visibility": [
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"is_packageitem_parameter_required": false
"id": 35,
"slug": "package__update_invoice_of_the_package__shipped__shipped",
"label": "Update Invoice",
"source_state": 44,
"translations": null,
"configuration": {},
"ui_visibility": [
"destination_state": 44,
"is_packageitem_parameter_required": false
"id": 266,
"slug": "package__deliver_package__shipped__delivered",
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"shipment_date": "2023-10-12T10:07:34.385941Z",
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"invoice_number": null,
"shipping_label": {
"id": 4490,
"uuid": "7d2aa09d-50d7-49d1-be98-f8f765915fd2",
"is_file": true,
"preview_url": "/api/v1/oms/shipping-label/4490/preview/",
"full_path_url": "https://{domain_url}/api/v1/oms/shipping-label/4490/preview/"
"stock_location": {
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"is_fulfillment_center": true,
"target_packing_interval": "5 00:00:00",
"use_as_shipper_location": true,
"target_transfer_interval": "3 00:00:00",
"is_fast_delivery_available": true
"packageitem_set": [
"id": 9043,
"state": {
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"name": "Shipped",
"config": {},
"enum_class": "PackageItemStatus",
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"translations": {
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"name": "Shipped"
"tr-tr": {
"name": "Kargolanmış"
"modified_date": "2022-10-14T10:39:33.481641Z"
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"translations": {
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"tr-tr": {
"name": "Hazırlanıyor"
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