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Shipment Flows

This part of the document contains the list of services that can be integrated in flows above. 2 configuration parameters will be shared during integration:

usernameUsername for basic authentication
passwordPassword for basic authentication

This parameter indicates which credentials should be used for multi-account management. It is an optional parameter, and even if not sent, a default set of credentials should be defined:

x-akinon-credentials-identifierUnique id specifying the credentials for multiple account

generate-shipment (POST)

This service is used to start a new shipping process.



Request Headers

x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory
x-akinon-credentials-identifierUnique id specifying the credentials for multiple accountOptional
AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory

Request Body raw (json)

"shipmentId": "", - Akinon unique id
"locale": "", – IETF BCP 47 language tag
"destination": {
"name": "",
"surname": "",
"tel": "",
"country": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron country id
"code": "",-ISO code
"name": ""
"city": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron city id
"name": ""
"district": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron district id
"name": ""
"township": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron township id
"name": ""
"zipcode": "",
"addressLine": ""

Sender Address Information

If your service requires a sender information ID with a predefined sender address, the following part is sent in addition to the above request. This originId must be the same as the addressId in the response of the generate address service.


Product List Information

If your service needs product information, these will be filled from product attributes in addition to the above request as a hashMap. Keys in the hashMap may change depending on the availability of product attributes.

"products": [{
"barcode": "",
"category": "",
"deci": "",

Payment Information

If the payment type is pay on delivery, the following information will be sent in addition to the above request.

"payment": {
"paymentId": "", -Akinon id
"paymentType": "", - This parameter is the type of pay on delivery. Card/Cash
"amount": 0.00,
"currency": "" -Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code


CREATEDShipment information created at the cargo company.
DELETEDThe package has not yet been received by the cargo company and the sender canceled and deleted previously created records.
SHIPPINGFrom the receipt of the package to the first arrival at the customer.
ATTEMPTED_DELIVERYThe package could not be delivered due to the customer.
DELIVERY_FAILEDThe package could not be delivered for any reason.
READY_FOR_PICKUPThe package has arrived at the pickup location.

Response Body raw 200 (json)

"waybillNumber": "", -unique shipment company id, if exist trackingNumber, else unique waybill id
"trackingNumber":"", -if exists, optional at this step
"trackingUrl":"", -if exists, optional at this step
"status":"", CREATED
"labelData":"", - optional, if exists at this step base64 encoded label
"labelFormat":"" - optional, label file format. PNG, ZPL, HTML, PDF

query-shipment (GET)

This service is used to query the latest status of previously initiated cargo transactions.



Request Headers

x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory
x-akinon-credentials-identifierUnique id specifying the credentials for multiple accountOptional
AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory

Request Parameters


This parameter indicates which value is sent in the ID field. If there is no parameter, the default value should be used.

Request Body


Response Body raw 200 (json)

"waybillNumber": "", -shipmentCompanyId
"trackingNumber":"", -optional if not yet created
"trackingUrl":"", -optional if not yet created

query-shipment-history (GET)

This service is used to inquire in detail the latest status of the cargo transactions that have been initiated before.



Request Headers

x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory
x-akinon-credentials-identifierUnique id specifying the credentials for multiple accountOptional
AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory

Request Parameters


This parameter indicates which value is sent in the ID field. If there is no parameter, the default value should be used.

Request Body


Response Body raw 200 (json)

"waybillNumber": "", -shipmentCompanyId
"trackingNumber":"", -optional if not yet created
"trackingUrl":"", -optional if not yet created
"history": [
"timestamp": "" -ISO 8601


delete-shipment (DELETE)

This service is used to cancel the previously initiated cargo transactions before the carrier receives the package.



Request Headers

x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory
x-akinon-credentials-identifierUnique id specifying the credentials for multiple accountOptional
AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory

Request Body


Response Body raw 204


update-shipment (PATCH)

This service is used to update the address information of the previously created cargo request.



Request Headers

x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory
x-akinon-credentials-identifierUnique id specifying the credentials for multiple accountOptional
AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory

Request Body raw (json)

"destination": {
"name": "",
"surname": "",
"tel": "",
"country": {
"id": 0, -Akinon country id
"code": "",-ISO code
"name": ""
"city": {
"id": 0, -Akinon city id
"name": ""
"district": {
"id": 0, -Akinon district id
"name": ""
"township": {
"id": 0, -Akinon township id
"name": ""
"zipcode": "",
"addressLine": ""

Response Body raw 200


query-shipment-label (GET)

This service is used to retrieve the label of the previously created cargo request.



Request Headers

x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory
x-akinon-credentials-identifierUnique id specifying the credentials for multiple accountOptional
AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory

Request Parameters

labelFormats(optional): PNG, ZPL, HTML, PDF

Request Body


Response Body raw 200 (json)

"labelData":"", - base64 encoded label
"labelFormat":"", -label file format. PNG, ZPL, HTML, PDF

generate-easy-return (POST)

This service is used to initiate the return process of the product that has been delivered.



Request Headers

x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory
x-akinon-credentials-identifierUnique id specifying the credentials for multiple accountOptional
AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory

Request Body raw (json)

"returnId": "" -akinon unique id

If target location information and detailed information are required for easy return, the following part will be sent in addition to the above request:

 "destination": { -seller address
"name": "",
"surname": "",
"tel": "",
"country": {
"id": 0, -Akinon country id
"code": "",-ISO code
"name": ""
"city": {
"id": 0, -Akinon city id
"name": ""
"district": {
"id": 0, -Akinon district id
"name": ""
"township": {
"id": 0, -Akinon township id
"name": ""
"zipcode": "",
"addressLine": ""

If destination address has a predefined addressId it can be used instead of detailed open address above. This destinationId must be the same as the addressId in the response of the generate address service.


If the package is to be picked up from the customer's address, the following part will be sent in addition to the above request.

"origin": { -customer address for pick up
"name": "",
"surname": "",
"tel": "",
"country": {
"id": 0, -Akinon country id
"code": "",-ISO code
"name": ""
"city": {
"id": 0, -Akinon city id
"name": ""
"district": {
"id": 0, -Akinon district id
"name": ""
"township": {
"id": 0, -Akinon township id
"name": ""
"zipcode": "",
"addressLine": ""

If your service needs product information, these will be filled from product attributes in addition to the above request as a hashMap. Keys in the hashMap may change depending on the availability of product attributes.

"products": [{
"barcode": "",
"category": "",
"deci": "",

If your service needs pickup date, the following part will be sent in addition to the above request. Available pickup dates can be obtained from search-appointment-dates service.

"pickupDate": {
"date": "", -ISO 8601 Date, (yyyy-MM-dd)
"hourRange": {
"start": "", - HH:MM
"end": "" - HH:MM

Response Body raw 200 (json)

"waybillNumber": "",
"trackingNumber":"", -optional
"trackingUrl":"", -optional
"status":"", -CREATED

query-easy-return (GET)

This service is used to query the latest status of the product whose return process has started.



Request Headers

x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory
x-akinon-credentials-identifierUnique id specifying the credentials for multiple accountOptional
AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory

Request Body


Response Body raw 200 (json)

"waybillNumber": "", -shipmentCompanyId
"trackingNumber":"", -optional
"trackingUrl":"", -optional

delete-easy-return (DELETE)

This service is used to cancel the initial return process.



Request Headers

x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory
x-akinon-credentials-identifierUnique id specifying the credentials for multiple accountOptional
AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory

Request Body


Response Body raw 204


search-appointment-dates (POST)

This service is used to get available appointment dates. It can be used for expected date of delivery when ordering or pickup date for easy return.



Request Headers

AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory
x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory

Request Body

"address": {
"country": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron country id
"code": "", -ISO code
"name": ""
"city": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron city id
"name": ""
"township": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron township id
"name": ""
"district": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron district id
"name": ""
"zipcode": "",
"addressLine": "",
"startDate": "", -ISO 8601 Date for Beginning of the desired date range
"endDate": "" -ISO 8601 Date for End of the desired date range

Response Body raw 200 (json)

"date": "", -ISO 8601 Date, (yyyy-MM-dd)
"hourRanges": [
"start": "", -HH:MM
"end": "" -HH:MM
"start": "", -HH:MM
"end": "" -HH:MM

generate-address (POST)

This service is used to generate a new predefined shipping address.



Request Headers

x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory
x-akinon-credentials-identifierUnique id specifying the credentials for multiple accountOptional
AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory

Request Body

"id": "", - Akinon unique address id for all domains(omnitron, oms etc)
"addressName": "",
"addressDescription": "",
"phone": "",
"email": "",
"address": {
"country": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron country id
"code": "",-ISO code
"name": ""
"city": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron city id
"name": ""
"district": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron district id
"name": ""
"township": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron township id
"name": ""
"zipcode": "",
"addressLine": ""
"type": "" -optional address type; values: CUSTOMER, DISTRIBUTION_POINT(default), PICK_UP_LOCATION

If your service requires coordinates of address, the following part is sent in addition to the above request.

"address": {
"coordinates": {
"latitude": 0.000000, - Decimal degrees (DD) with 6 decimal places
"longitude": 0.000000 - Decimal degrees (DD) with 6 decimal places

If your service requires hours the location is open, the following part is sent in addition to the above request.

"workingHours": [
"day": "", -values: 1(Monday), 2(Tuesday), ..., 7(Sunday)
"hourRanges": [
"start": "", -HH:MM
"end": "" -HH:MM
"start": "", -HH:MM
"end": "" -HH:MM

Response Body raw 201 (json)

"addressId": "", -unique addressId for shipment company. This info will be logged in Akinon systems.

get-addresses (POST)

This service is used to get predefined shipping addresses.



Request Headers

x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory
AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory

Request Body

"locale": "",
"address": {
"country": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron country id
"code": "", -ISO code
"name": ""
"city": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron city id
"name": ""
"district": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron district id
"name": ""
"township": {
"id": 0, -Omnitron township id
"name": ""
"zipcode": ""

If your service needs product information, these will be filled from product attributes in addition to the above request as a hashMap. Keys in the hashMap may change depending on the availability of product attributes.

"products": [
"barcode": "",
"category": "",
"deci": "",

Response Body raw 200 (json)

"id": "",
"addressName": "",
"addressDescription": "",
"phone": "",
"email": "",
"address": {
"country": {
"id": 0,
"code": "",
"name": ""
"city": {
"id": 0,
"name": ""
"district": {
"id": 0,
"name": ""
"township": {
"id": 0,
"name": ""
"zipcode": "",
"addressLine": "",
"coordinates": { -optional if coordinates provided
"latitude": 0.000000,
"longitude": 0.000000
"workingHours": [ -optional if working hours provided
"day": "", -values: 1(Monday), 2(Tuesday), ..., 7(Sunday)
"hourRanges": [
"start": "", -HH:MM
"end": "" -HH:MM
"start": "", -HH:MM
"end": "" -HH:MM

get-address-detail (GET)

This service is used to get details of predefined delivery addresses.



Request Headers

x-akinon-request-idUnique ID for problem solving & tracing.Mandatory
x-akinon-api-versionAkinon Customer API version.Mandatory
AuthorizationBasic [BASE64_encoded(username:password)]Mandatory

Request Body


Response Body raw 200 (json)

"id": "",
"addressName": "",
"addressDescription": "",
"phone": "",
"email": "",
"address": {
"country": {
"id": 0,
"code": "",
"name": ""
"city": {
"id": 0,
"name": ""
"district": {
"id": 0,
"name": ""
"township": {
"id": 0,
"name": ""
"zipcode": "",
"addressLine": "",
"coordinates": { -optional if coordinates provided
"latitude": 0.000000,
"longitude": 0.000000
"workingHours": [ -optional if working hours provided
"day": "", -values: 1(Monday), 2(Tuesday), ..., 7(Sunday)
"hourRanges": [
"start": "", -HH:MM
"end": "" -HH:MM
"start": "", -HH:MM
"end": "" -HH:MM

Response Body For Errors (ALL)

If any errors are encountered in the services, these errors should be reported in the format below, and the list of error codes should be shared with Akinon.

Response Body raw 4xx/5xx (json)

"errors": [
"code": "",
"field": "",
"message": ""