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Cancellation Reason Services

In Omnitron, when an order item or the entire order is canceled or refunded, a cancellation reason must be selected. This service pulls these cancellation reasons from Omnitron and provides access to them through both detailed and list endpoints.

GET Pull Cancelation Reasons from Omnitron

Path: /api/v1/oms/cancellation-reasons/pull_from_omnitron/

Example Request

To run this service, a GET request should be sent to the /api/v1/oms/cancellation-reasons/pull_from_omnitron/ endpoint. In the headers, set the Authorization header to include the api token for authentication.

Here's an example of how to make the request in python:

import requests
import json
url = "https://{domain_url}/api/v1/oms/cancellation-reasons/pull_from_omnitron/"
token = "11111XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX201XXXXX9332d"

headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': f'Token {token}'

response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=headers)

Example Response (200 OK)

When the cancellation reasons are successfully pulled from Omnitron, the service will respond with a status code of 200 OK to indicate success.

The response body will not include any additional objects or messages.

Example Response (401 UNAUTHORIZED)

If the authorization token is either missing or incorrect in the request headers, the service will respond with a status code of 401 Unauthorized.

The response body will not include any additional objects or messages.

GET List Cancellation Reasons

Path: /api/v1/oms/cancellation-reasons/

Example Request

To run this service, a GET request should be sent to the /api/v1/oms/cancellation-reasons/endpoint. In the headers, set the Authorization header to include the api token for authentication.

Here's an example of how to make the request in python:

import requests
import json
url = "https://{domain_url}/api/v1/oms/api/v1/oms/cancellation-reasons/"
token = "11111XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX201XXXXX9332d"

headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': f'Token {token}'

response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=headers)

Example Response (200 OK)

If cancellation reasons successfully pulled from omnitron, it will return a successful response with a status code of 200 OK. The response body contains list of objects.

ParameterData TypeDescription
idintegerThe primary key of the provider
cancellation_typestringThe name of the provider
created_datedateThe creation date
modified_datedateThe last modified date
omnitron_idintegerThe omnitron ID of object
subjectstringThe subject
extra_information_neededboolThe extra information flag
orderingintegerThe ordering
is_activebooleanThe active flag

"count": 2,
"next": "http://{domain_url}/api/v1/oms/cancellation-reasons/?page=2",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"cancellation_type": "cancel",
"created_date": "2023-07-04T10:30:31.298861Z",
"modified_date": "2023-07-04T10:30:31.298873Z",
"omnitron_id": 1,
"subject": "Yanl\u0131\u015f \u00fcr\u00fcn ald\u0131m.",
"extra_information_needed": false,
"ordering": 100,
"is_active": true
"id": 2,
"cancellation_type": "cancel",
"created_date": "2023-07-04T10:30:31.302982Z",
"modified_date": "2023-07-04T10:30:31.302995Z",
"omnitron_id": 2,
"subject": "\u00dcr\u00fcn\u00fc sat\u0131n almaktan vazge\u00e7tim.",
"extra_information_needed": false,
"ordering": 100,
"is_active": true

Example Response (401 UNAUTHORIZED)

If the authorization token is either missing or incorrect in the request headers, the service will respond with a status code of 401 Unauthorized.

The response body will not include any additional objects or messages.

GET Detail Cancellation Reasons

Path: /api/v1/oms/cancellation-reasons/{pk}/

Example Request

To run this service, a GET request should be sent to the /api/v1/oms/cancellation-reasons/{pk}/endpoint. In the headers, set the Authorization header to include the api token for authentication.

Here's an example of how to make the request in python:

import requests
import json
url = "https://{domain_url}/api/v1/oms/api/v1/oms/cancellation-reasons/1/"
token = "11111XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX201XXXXX9332d"

headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': f'Token {token}'

response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=headers)

Example Response (200 OK)

When the cancellation reasons are successfully pulled from Omnitron, the service will respond with a status code of 200 OK to indicate success.

In this case, the response body will contain one object.

ParameterData TypeDescription
idintegerThe primary key of the provider
cancellation_typestringThe name of the provider
created_datedateThe creation date
modified_datedateThe last modified date
omnitron_idintegerThe omnitron ID of object
subjectstringThe subject
extra_information_neededboolThe extra information flag
orderingintegerThe ordering
is_activebooleanThe active flag

"id": 1,
"cancellation_type": "cancel",
"created_date": "2023-07-04T10:39:40.453069Z",
"modified_date": "2023-07-04T10:39:40.453081Z",
"omnitron_id": 1,
"subject": "Yanl\u0131\u015f \u00fcr\u00fcn ald\u0131m.",
"extra_information_needed": false,
"ordering": 100,
"is_active": true

Example Response (401 UNAUTHORIZED)

If the authorization token is either missing or incorrect in the request headers, the service will respond with a status code of 401 Unauthorized.

The response body will not include any additional objects or messages.