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ChannelSetup Services

All services related to ChannelSetup are listed in this page.

POST Execute Channel Setup

This method is used to execute ChannelSetup.

Path: /api/v1/oms/setup/channels/execute/

Query Parameters

The following query parameters can be used for the task about ChannelSetup execute.

ParameterData TypeInDescription
tokenstringheaderThe API key of the customer account

Example Request

To execute ChannelSetup task, a POST request should be sent to /api/v1/oms/setup/channels/execute/ endpoint. No query parameters or request body are required.

Once the ChannelSetup execution task is finished, Omnitron channels will be generated within the OMS. You can verify the presence of these channels by navigating to Akinon OMS > Settings > Sales Channels.

import requests

url = "https://{oms_base_url}/api/v1/oms/setup/channels/execute/"
api_token = "f532eXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX201XXXXX9332d"

headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token {}'.format(api_token)

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers)


Example Response (204)

A successful response with a status code 204 No Content is returned.

GET Get ChannelSetup Async Status

This method used to get async status of the ChannelSetup.

Path: /api/v1/oms/setup/channels/get_async_status/

Query Parameters

The following query parameters can be used to get the ChannelSetup status.

ParameterData TypeInDescription
tokenstringheaderThe API key of the customer account

Example Request

To get ChannelSetup status, a GET request should be sent to /api/v1/oms/setup/channels/get_async_status/ endpoint. No query parameters or request body are required.

import requests

url = "https://{oms_base_url}/api/v1/oms/setup/channels/get_async_status/"
api_token = "f532eXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX201XXXXX9332d"

headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token {}'.format(api_token)

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


Example Response (200)

In a successful response with a status code of 200 OK, the API returns async status information.

ParameterData TypeDescription
resultStringThe Status of ChannelSetup Task

This example response serves as a reference to understand the structure and data format of service.

"result": "Finished" // or "Ready", "Working", "Failed","Aborted"

GET Get ChannelSetup Required Status

This method is used to get required status of the ChannelSetup.

Path: /api/v1/oms/setup/channels/is_required/

Query Parameters

The following query parameters can be used to get information about whether the ChannelSetup is required or not.

Provides the answer to the question "Do I need to run this process?". This service will return "true" if there are any Omnitron channels that are not present in the OMS database.

ParameterData TypeInDescription
tokenstringheaderThe API key of the customer account

Example Request

To get ChannelSetup required status, a GET request should be sent to /api/v1/oms/setup/channels/is_required/ endpoint. No query parameters or request body are required.

import requests

url = "https://{oms_base_url}/api/v1/oms/setup/channels/is_required/"
api_token = "f532eXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX201XXXXX9332d"

headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token {}'.format(api_token)

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


Example Response (200)

In a successful response with a status code of 200 OK, the API returns required status information.

ParameterData TypeDescription
resultStringThe required status of ChannelSetup Task

This example response serves as a reference to understand the structure and data format of the service.

"result": "True" // or False