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View Migration Progress

This service allows the user to check the status of previously initiated migration processes. With the values specified as parameters in the table below, a request is sent to the defined endpoint by entering the api_token value for the relevant user and the migration_id for the relevant migration process to the relevant store channel.

ParameterData TypeInDescriptions
channel_idintegerurlThe id of the shop channel
api_tokenstringheaderThe API key of the customer account
migration_idstringurlThe string that can be retrieved from the response of start migration request

GET View Migration Progress

Path: /api/i1/remote/{channel_id}/migrations/{migration_id}/progress/

To check the status of migrations such as user, address, order etc. that have been started before, a “GET” request is sent to the /api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/migrations/{migration_id}/progress/ endpoint using the parameters given above.

import requests

url = "https://{customer_api_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/migrations/{migration_id}/progress/"
api_token = "f532eXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX201XXXXX9332d"

headers = {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token {}'.format(api_token)

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Example Response

As a result of the request, it is seen that the operation was carried out successfully with a 200 OK response code.

"Processed_count": 1000,
"Error_count": 0,
"total_count": 1000