User Migration
- If user passwords in the old system are encrypted using MD5, SHA1, or SHA256, you can migrate users using these algorithms.
- Otherwise, after users are migrated, they must create a new password using the Forgot Password option during their first login. In this case, get in touch with the Akinon team to receive assistance regarding the password_algorithm value to be used in the upcoming steps.
- Migrated users can be checked in the omnitron panel under Sales Channel > Users section.
- Unencrypted credentials of the test user undergoing migration will be needed for future checks.
- The user being imported must not have a record in Omnitron. The email field must be unique.
Commerce ENV Settings
If the encryption algorithm is "md5," then the PASSWORD_HASHERS list in the ENV should be updated as follows:
If the encryption algorithm is "sha1," then the PASSWORD_HASHERS list in the ENV should be updated as follows:
PASSWORD_HASHERS='django.contrib.auth.hashers.PBKDF2PasswordHasher','django.contrib.auth.hashers.PBKDF2SHA1PasswordHasher','django.contrib.auth.hashers.Argon2PasswordHasher','django.contrib.auth.hashers.BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher','django.contrib.auth.hashers.BCryptPasswordHasher','omnishop.users.helpers.SHA1MD5PasswordHasher','django.contrib.auth.hashers.SHA1PasswordHasher', ‘django.contrib.auth.hashers.UnsaltedSHA1PasswordHasher'
If the encryption algorithm is "sha256," then the PASSWORD_HASHERS list in the ENV should be updated as follows:
PASSWORD_HASHERS='django.contrib.auth.hashers.PBKDF2PasswordHasher','django.contrib.auth.hashers.PBKDF2SHA1PasswordHasher','django.contrib.auth.hashers.Argon2PasswordHasher','django.contrib.auth.hashers.BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher','django.contrib.auth.hashers.BCryptPasswordHasher','omnishop.users.helpers.SHA256PasswordHasher', ‘omnishop.users.helpers.SHA256UnsaltedPasswordHasher'
Example Request
curl --location --request POST 'https://{{omnitron_url}}/api/v1/remote/{{channel_id}}/migrations/start/user/' \
--header 'Authorization: Token {{token}}' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/test_user.json"'
Test User File Format (test_user.json)
"first_name": "Lorem",
"last_name": "Ipsum",
"email": "",
"gender": "male",
"sms_allowed": false,
"email_allowed": false,
"phone": "999999999",
"date_of_birth": "1990-01-13",
"date_joined": "2022-01-13 09:26:00",
"password": "sha1$salt$7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943ddc26494f8941b",
"password_algorithm": "sha1",
"customer_code": "1",
"verified": true,
"facebook_uuid": null,
"attributes": {},
"call_allowed": false,
"user_type": "registered"
The data format requirements for each field are as follows:
- "first_name": Should be in String format and is mandatory.
- "last_name": Should be in String format and is mandatory.
- "email": Should be in Email format and is mandatory.
- "gender": Should be in String format, can be null or an empty string. Acceptable values are 'male' or 'female'.
- "sms_allowed": Should be in Boolean format and is mandatory.
- "email_allowed": Should be in Boolean format and is mandatory.
- "phone": Should be in the format "5XXXXXXXXX" as a string. Can be null. For foreign numbers, please seek assistance from the Akinon team.
- "date_of_birth": Format is detailed in the date_format section. Can be null.
- "date_joined": Format is detailed in the datetime_format section and is mandatory.
- "password": Format is detailed in the password section and is mandatory.
- "password_algorithm": Should be in String format. Acceptable values are 'sha1', 'md5', or 'sha256'. Mandatory.
- "customer_code": Should be in String format and is mandatory. After migration, this information will be stored in user.attributes.migration_customer_code.
- "verified": Should be in Boolean format and is mandatory.
- "facebook_uuid": Should be in String format, can be null or an empty string.
- "attributes": Should be in Dictionary format and is mandatory. If empty, it should be provided as {}.
- "call_allowed": Should be in Boolean format.
- "user_type": Should be in String format and is mandatory. Acceptable values are 'guest' or 'registered'.
Date Format:
The following formats are accepted as date_format:
- '%Y-%m-%d'
- '%Y/%m/%d'
- '%d.%m.%Y'
- '%d-%m-%Y'
- '%d/%m/%Y'
Password Format:
It should be provided in the following format: {algorithm}${salt}${hash_value}
- algorithm: Can be sha1, md5, or sha256
- salt: If unsalted, should be left empty
- hash_value: The hash value
Example Response
When a request is made using cURL, the response received will be as follows:
{"migration_id": "2740e84efe2e4bea91615f46f567aa3c"}
For verification, the following request is sent:
curl --location --request GET 'https://{{omnitron_url}}/api/v1/remote/{{channel_id}}/migrations/{{migration_id}}/progress/' \
--header 'Authorization: Token {{token}}'
If the response received is as follows:
"total_count": 1,
"error_count": 0,
"processed_count": 1
The response means that the user has been successfully migrated.