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Within the pre-product domain, two distinct product types will be taken into consideration: Pre-Product and Pre-Miscellaneous.

The products integrated into the system undergo serialization using the PreProductViewSet before being inserted into the product table. During this insertion process, they are assigned either the values of ProductTypes.pre_product or ProductTypes.pre_miscellaneous for the Products.product_type parameter.

A signal is generated with every commit made to the Product table, and these signals are monitored by the product_receiver {omnitron.products.receivers.product_receiver()}. This receiver disregards commits with product types pre_product and pre_miscellaneous.

After every product commit that comes before actualization, it will be updated with PreProductViewSet, and during the update process, it will be actualized based on the value of approved=True.


It is a simple product that comes before productization. When productized, it will take the value ProductTypes.simple as the product_type.


It is a non-saleable product that comes before productization. When productized, it will take the value ProductTypes.miscellaneous as the product_type. Non-saleable products can be found in the cart, but their direct sales are prohibited (for example, shopping bags).


The PreProductSerializer {omnitron.products.resources.serializers.PreProductSerializer} extends the ProductSerializer, but it includes additional fields that are different from the ProductSerializer and are not present in the model: approved:BooleanField and run_product_mapping:NullBooleanField.

approved: BooleanField

When this boolean field is true, the ProductService._approve_pre_product() method will be invoked during the update process to productize pre-products.

run_product_mapping: NullBooleanField

This boolean field is nullable. When it is true, the ProductService._run_product_mapping() method will be called during the update process to perform attribute mapping for products.


During the creation or update of pre-products, if run_product_mapping is set to True, they undergo a mapping process. The mapping process depends on the key values defined in settings.PRODUCT_MAPPING_KEY_LIST and the language value sent as kwargs during the update process or obtained from translation.get_language() {django.utils.translation.get_language()}.

Here's a pseudo example we can create for the mapping process:

LANGUAGES=[('tr-tr', 'Turkish'), ('en-us', 'English')]

attribute_old = Attribute(
attribute_new = Attribute(

// Let's assume a pre-defined mapping.
// Mapping(mapping_key=”size”,
// input_kwargs={“attributes__size_erp__isnull”: False})

ProductService._run_product_mapping(product, language=”tr-tr”)

The attribute key named size_erp of our product has been converted to the size key through mapping, and its value has been mapped from "Large" to "Büyük".


There is no separate service for pre-products; instead, all service operations are conducted through the ProductService {omnitron.products.service.ProductService}. The service structure will be detailed in the product documentation.


The PreProductViewSet {omnitron.products.resources.views.PreProductViewSet} is extended from ModelViewSet, MultiSerializerViewSetMixin, and FileFilterableViewSetMixin, and it can be accessed via the /api/v1/pre_products endpoint.

Inherited from ModelViewSet, it allows GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods. The perform_create() and perform_update() functions are overridden to perform create/update operations on the relevant service, ProductService.

Inherited from MultiSerializerViewSetMixin, it includes the detailed() and detailed_list() functions but does not override them. Within the serializer_action_classes, ProductDetailedSerializer is defined for both detailed and detailed_list.

Inherited from FileFilterableViewSetMixin, it includes the filter_queryset(), filter_import_queryset(), and initialize_request() functions but does not override them. It holds the file_filter_fieldname:List list, which is used to intersect with the header fields of uploaded files in FileFilterableViewSetMixin.

HTTP Methods

GET Get List of All Pre-Products

Path: /api/v1/pre_products/

This method retrieves the products that fulfil the condition product_type__in=[ProductTypes.pre_product, ProductTypes.pre_miscellaneous] from the Product table. It takes filter parameters found in ProductFilter {omnitron.products.resources.filters.ProductFilter} as query parameters and has a wide range of filtering options.

Example Request


Example Response

"pk": 402,
"name": "Banyo Halısı Desen 3 60x100+50x60cm",
"base_code": "1KBAPA0195",
"sku": "2672880315949",
"product_type": "-1",
"is_active": true,
"parent": null,
"attributes": {
"erp_ProductAtt06Desc": "(60X100)+(50X60)",
"integration_ProductAtt12Desc": "%50 + %20 PROMOSYON",
"erp_ProductAtt12Desc": "%50 + %20 PROMOSYON",
"uretim_yeri": "ÇİN",
"renk": "ANTRASİT",
"integration_ProductAtt03Desc": "2011/2012 KIŞ",
"erp_ProductAtt07Desc": "50+50 promosyon",
"erp_color": "ANTRASİT",
"materyal": "%100 POLYESTER",
"integration_ProductAtt22Desc": "5,50 x 9,00 cm",
"integration_ProductAtt14Desc": "60X100+50X60 CM MAKİNE KESMESİ",
"erp_ProductHierarchyLevel01": "TEKSTİL",
"erp_ProductAtt13Desc": "YER GRUBU %50+%50",
"integration_ProductAtt05Desc": "%50+%20 OUTLET PROMOSYONU",
"erp_ProductAtt09Desc": "Flannel Baby Touch Machine",
"erp_ProductAtt02Desc": "Yer Grubu - Paspas",
"integration_ProductAtt15Desc": "%50+%50 PROMOSYON",
"erp_ProductAtt20Desc": "%100 POLYESTER",
"filtre_renk1": "Gri",
"erp_ProductAtt22Desc": "5,50 x 9,00 cm",
"erp_ProductAtt15Desc": "%50+%50 PROMOSYON",
"erp_ProductCode": "1KBAPA0195244",
"integration_ProductAtt13Desc": "YER GRUBU %50+%50",
"integration_ProductAtt01Desc": "DIŞ ALIM",
"erp_ProductAtt05Desc": "%50+%20 OUTLET PROMOSYONU",
"boyut": "(60X100)+(50X60)",
"erp_ProductAtt14Desc": "60X100+50X60 CM MAKİNE KESMESİ",
"erp_ProductAtt01Desc": "DIŞ ALIM",
"erp_ProductHierarchyLevel02": "Yer Grubu",
"integration_ProductCode": "1KBAPA0195244",
"integration_ProductAtt07Desc": "50+50 promosyon",
"erp_ProductAtt03Desc": "2011/2012 KIŞ",
"integration_ProductAtt09Desc": "Flannel Baby Touch Machine",
"integration_ProductHierarchyLevel01": "TEKSTİL",
"integration_ProductHierarchyLevel02": "Yer Grubu",
"erp_ProductAtt25Desc": "ÇİN",
"integration_ProductAtt02Desc": "Yer Grubu - Paspas"
"attributes_kwargs": {
"erp_ProductHierarchyLevel01": {
"value": "TEKSTİL",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "TEKSTİL"
"erp_ProductHierarchyLevel02": {
"value": "Yer Grubu",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "Yer Grubu"
"filtre_renk1": {
"value": "Gri",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "Gri"
"erp_color": {
"value": "ANTRASİT",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "ANTRASİT"
"integration_ProductHierarchyLevel01": {
"value": "TEKSTİL",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "TEKSTİL"
"integration_ProductHierarchyLevel02": {
"value": "Yer Grubu",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "Yer Grubu"
"renk": {
"value": "ANTRASİT",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "ANTRASİT"
"extra_attributes": {},
"group_products": [],
"productimage_set": [{
"pk": 592,
"status": "active",
"image": "http://.../media/products/2017/01/23/402/1ece7020bcc8.jpg",
"order": 0,
"created_date": "2017-01-23T08:34:48.487333Z",
"specialimage_set": [],
"modified_date": "2017-01-23T08:34:48.487367Z"
"pk": 593,
"status": "active",
"image": "http://.../media/products/2017/01/23/402/4375a49a5e2a.jpg",
"order": 1,
"created_date": "2017-01-23T08:34:48.590416Z",
"specialimage_set": [],
"modified_date": "2017-01-23T08:34:48.590456Z"
"attribute_set": 16,
"custom_attribute_set": null,
"productization_date": null,
"listing_code": null,
"data_source": null,
"modified_date": "2017-02-02T11:15:40.058780Z"

POST Create a Single Pre-Product

Path: /api/v1/pre_products/

This method records new objects to the Products table. It's validated with PreProductSerializer; if the data is not appropriate or the product_type value is neither ProductTypes.pre_product nor ProductTypes.pre_miscellaneous, an HTTP 404 error is returned. The flawless data is sent to the ProductService.create_product() method for processing, and the service executes the recording operation.

Example Request

"product_type": "string", // "-1" (pre_product), "5" (miscellaneous)
"sku": "string",
"attributes_kwargs": "string",
"data_source": "string",
"product_type": "string",
"name": "string",
"parent": "string",
"listing_code": "string",
"is_child_update": "string",
"is_active": "string",
"extra_attributes": "string",
"productization_date": "string",
"custom_attribute_set": "string",
"run_product_mapping": "string",
"attribute_set": "string",
"group_products": "string",
"update_product_meta_name": "string",
"base_code": "string",
"attributes": "string",
"approved": "string"

Example Response


DELETE Delete a Single Pre-Product

Path: /api/v1/pre_products/{pk}/

This method deletes the object from the Products table corresponding to the relevant primary key. An HTTP 404 error is returned if the object cannot be found.

Example Request


Example Response


GET Get a Single Pre-Product

Path: /api/v1/pre_products/{pk}/

This method retrieves the object from the Products table corresponding to the relevant primary key. An HTTP 404 error is returned if the object cannot be found.

Example Request


Example Response

"pk": 415,
"name": "Banyo Halısı Desen 2 50x80+45x50cm",
"base_code": "1KBAPA0197",
"sku": "2672880316076",
"product_type": "-1",
"is_active": true,
"parent": null,
"attributes": {
"erp_ProductAtt06Desc": "(50X80)+(45X50) CM",
"integration_ProductAtt12Desc": "%50 + %20 PROMOSYON",
"erp_ProductAtt12Desc": "%50 + %20 PROMOSYON",
"uretim_yeri": "ÇİN",
"renk": "TOPRAK",
"integration_ProductAtt03Desc": "2011/2012 KIŞ",
"erp_ProductAtt07Desc": "50+50 promosyon",
"erp_color": "TOPRAK",
"materyal": "%100 POLYESTER",
"integration_ProductAtt22Desc": "5,50 x 9,00 cm",
"integration_ProductAtt14Desc": "50X80+45X50 CM MAKİNE KESMESİ",
"erp_ProductHierarchyLevel01": "TEKSTİL",
"erp_ProductAtt13Desc": "YER GRUBU %50+%50",
"integration_ProductAtt05Desc": "%50+%20 OUTLET PROMOSYONU",
"erp_ProductAtt09Desc": "Flannel Baby Touch Machine",
"erp_ProductAtt02Desc": "Yer Grubu - Paspas",
"integration_ProductAtt15Desc": "%50+%50 PROMOSYON",
"erp_ProductAtt20Desc": "%100 POLYESTER",
"filtre_renk1": "Toprak",
"erp_ProductAtt22Desc": "5,50 x 9,00 cm",
"erp_ProductAtt15Desc": "%50+%50 PROMOSYON",
"erp_ProductCode": "1KBAPA0197102",
"integration_ProductAtt13Desc": "YER GRUBU %50+%50",
"integration_ProductAtt01Desc": "DIŞ ALIM",
"erp_ProductAtt05Desc": "%50+%20 OUTLET PROMOSYONU",
"boyut": "(50X80)+(45X50) CM",
"erp_ProductAtt14Desc": "50X80+45X50 CM MAKİNE KESMESİ",
"erp_ProductAtt01Desc": "DIŞ ALIM",
"erp_ProductHierarchyLevel02": "Yer Grubu",
"integration_ProductCode": "1KBAPA0197102",
"integration_ProductAtt07Desc": "50+50 promosyon",
"erp_ProductAtt03Desc": "2011/2012 KIŞ",
"integration_ProductAtt09Desc": "Flannel Baby Touch Machine",
"integration_ProductHierarchyLevel01": "TEKSTİL",
"integration_ProductHierarchyLevel02": "Yer Grubu",
"erp_ProductAtt25Desc": "ÇİN",
"integration_ProductAtt02Desc": "Yer Grubu - Paspas"
"attributes_kwargs": {
"erp_ProductHierarchyLevel01": {
"value": "TEKSTİL",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "TEKSTİL"
"erp_ProductHierarchyLevel02": {
"value": "Yer Grubu",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "Yer Grubu"
"filtre_renk1": {
"value": "Toprak",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "Toprak"
"erp_color": {
"value": "TOPRAK",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "TOPRAK"
"integration_ProductHierarchyLevel01": {
"value": "TEKSTİL",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "TEKSTİL"
"integration_ProductHierarchyLevel02": {
"value": "Yer Grubu",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "Yer Grubu"
"renk": {
"value": "TOPRAK",
"data_type": "dropdown",
"label": "TOPRAK"
"extra_attributes": {},
"group_products": [],
"productimage_set": [{
"pk": 608,
"status": "active",
"image": "http://.../media/products/2017/01/23/aa578d275807.jpg",
"order": 0,
"created_date": "2017-01-23T08:34:50.032604Z",
"specialimage_set": [],
"modified_date": "2017-01-23T08:34:50.032631Z"
"pk": 609,
"status": "active",
"image": "http://.../media/products/2017/01/23/415/69e29c79caf2.jpg",
"order": 1,
"created_date": "2017-01-23T08:34:50.132254Z",
"specialimage_set": [],
"modified_date": "2017-01-23T08:34:50.132280Z"
"attribute_set": 13,
"custom_attribute_set": null,
"productization_date": null,
"listing_code": null,
"data_source": null,
"modified_date": "2017-02-02T11:15:41.020549Z"

PATCH Update a Single Pre-Product

Path: /api/v1/pre_products/{pk}/

This method partially updates the object from the Products table corresponding to the relevant primary key. It's validated with PreProductSerializer; if the data is not appropriate or the product_type value is neither ProductTypes.pre_product nor ProductTypes.pre_miscellaneous, an HTTP 404 error is returned. An HTTP 404 error is returned if the object cannot be found. The partial update method updates only the parameters sent as data.

PUT Update a Single Pre-Product

Path: /api/v1/pre_products/{pk}/

This method updates the object from the Products table corresponding to the relevant primary key. It's validated with PreProductSerializer; if the data is not appropriate or the product_type value is neither ProductTypes.pre_product nor ProductTypes.pre_miscellaneous, an HTTP 404 error is returned. An HTTP 404 error is returned if the object cannot be found. The update method updates the entire object. The flawless data is sent to the ProductService.update_product() method for processing, and the service executes the update operation.

POST Bulk Create Pre-Products

Path: /api/v1/pre_products/bulk_create/

This method asynchronously creates new objects in the Products table in bulk with an uploaded CSV or Excel file. Each creation process is delayed as a separate task. Since each task handles its own serialization, if there's an error, only the task that encountered the error will fail.

This method accepts formdata as a request and includes the path of the CSV or Excel file as filename. As a response, it returns the cache_key parameter stored in Redis for async tasks. In the creation process, the sku parameter is mandatory and must be present in the file.

Example Request

-F 'filename=@/path/create.csv'

Example Response

"cache_key": "5c6ba584-156a-42d6-8b86-ca9c7d1a36c6"

GET Bulk Create Cache Key Status

Path: /api/v1/pre_products/{cache_key}/bulk_create_status/

This method queries the status of an executed bulk create operation.

Example Request


Example Response

"progress": [
"completed": true,
"errors": [],
"chunk_count": 11

POST Bulk Update Pre-Products

Path: /api/v1/pre_products/bulk_update/

This method asynchronously updates objects in the Products table in bulk with an uploaded CSV or Excel file. Each update process is delayed as a separate task. Since each task handles its own serialization, if there's an error, only the task that encountered the error will fail.

This method accepts formdata as a request, and the path of the CSV or Excel file is sent within the filename parameter. As a response, it returns the cache_key parameter stored in Redis for async tasks. The update operation is performed similar to partial update based on the "sku" parameter in the file, updating only the parameters sent as data.

Example Request

-F 'filename=@/path/update.csv'

Example Response

"cache_key": "5c6ba584-156a-42d6-8b86-ca9c7d1a36c6"

GET Bulk Update Cache Key Status

Path: /api/v1/pre_products/{cache_key}/bulk_update_status/

This method queries the status of an executed bulk update operation.

Example Request


Example Response

"progress": [
"completed": true,
"errors": [],
"chunk_count": 11

GET Get List of All Pre-Products - Detailed

Path: /api/v1/pre_products/detailed/

This method retrieves products from the Product table that fulfil the condition product_type__in=[ProductTypes.pre_product, ProductTypes.pre_miscellaneous]. It uses ProductDetailedSerializer instead of PreProductSerializer, and in this ViewSet, it's specified as detailed_list within the serializer_action_classes inherited from MultiSerializerViewSetMixin.

It takes filter parameters found in ProductFilter {omnitron.products.resources.filters.ProductFilter} as query parameters and has a wide range of filtering options.

GET Get a Single Pre-Product - Detailed

Path: /api/v1/pre_products/{pk}/detailed/

This method retrieves the object from the Product table corresponding to the relevant primary key. An HTTP 404 error is returned if the object cannot be found. It uses ProductDetailedSerializer instead of PreProductSerializer, and in this ViewSet, it's specified as detailed within the serializer_action_classes inherited from MultiSerializerViewSetMixin.