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User Management & Authentication

GET Current User

Fetches the information of the currently logged-in user. The response includes user details such as their primary key, name, email, and various attributes.

Path: /current_user/

Authentication Required: Yes


Accept-Language: <iso_language_code>
Cookie: <cookie-name>=<session_id>

Example Request

import requests

url = "https://{commerce_url}/current_user/"

headers = {
'Accept-Language': '<iso_language_code>',
'Cookie': '<cookie-name>=<session_id>'

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Example Response (200 OK)

"pk": 64571,
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"phone": "0000000000",
"email": "",
"email_allowed": true,
"sms_allowed": true,
"call_allowed": false,
"attributes": {
"register_client_type": "default",
"logged_ip": "",
"kvkk_flat_page_version": "000",
"confirm": true
"hashed_email": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"date_joined": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"last_login": "2024-01-02T00:00:00.000000Z",
"gender": "male",
"date_of_birth": "2016-01-01",
"is_email_verified": true,
"is_social_networks_connected": false,
"client_type": "default",
"selected_address": {
"pk": 54,
"tax_no": null,
"last_name": "",
"extra_field": null,
"primary": true,
"e_bill_taxpayer": false,
"postcode": null,
"hash_data": "GMWuUyFOAJyyeAQXpDdoxbsNFOcgSitIqNAvetSWa",
"line": "wQFgRqjIwMtSdtmwgzyhQmmTTQjFLzaaRYIjVlZyiLeIYbGHhAy",
"is_corporate": false,
"city": 54,
"first_name": "",
"district": 1,
"title": "home",
"remote_id": null,
"company_name": null,
"tax_office": null,
"address_type": "customer",
"email": "",
"phone_number": null,
"user": 856,
"township": 1,
"country": 107,
"notes": null,
"identity_number": null,
"retail_store": null

Response Parameters:

PropertyData TypeDescription
email_allowedBooleanIndicates whether the user has allowed receiving emails.
sms_allowedBooleanIndicates whether the user has allowed receiving SMS.
call_allowedBooleanIndicates whether the user has allowed receiving phone calls.
hashed_emailStringThe hashed version of the user's email for privacy and security purposes.
is_email_verifiedBooleanIndicates whether the user's email address has been verified.
is_social_networks_connectedBooleanIndicates whether the user's account is connected to any social networks.
client_typeEnumValues: “default”, “android”, “ios”, “instore”, “b2b”.
selected_addressDictContains the details of the user’s selected address.

POST User Login

Used to facilitate the user’s log-in process. Cookies of the returned response must be stored by the client and sent with the next API requests.

Path: /users/login

Authentication Required: No


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: <iso_language_code>
x-csrftoken: <token>

Body Parameters

PropertyData TypeRequiredDescription
emailstringTrueThe email address of the user.
passwordstringTrueThe password of the user.

Request Body

"email": "<USER_EMAIL>",
"password": "<PASSWORD>"

Example Request

import requests

url = "https://{commerce_url}/users/login/"

payload = json.dumps({
"email": "<USER_EMAIL>",
"password": "<PASSWORD>"

headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept-Language': '<iso_language_code>',
'x-csrftoken': '<token>'

response =, headers=headers, data=payload)

Example Response (200 OK)

Response Headers:

set-cookie: csrftoken=KxlMDi8Nfy0HljwuWTRnJwDMfGtP5Zh8xHn4BMOEJFAxaRAFJx6MarlaHDM66LZ7; expires=Mon, 24-Nov-2025 10:51:51 GMT; Max-Age=31449600; Path=/; Secure, osessionid=yji6ppwys9a2k2myv3k9e5q2jifggqt9; expires=Mon, 09-Dec-2024 10:51:51 GMT; httponly; Max-Age=1209600; Path=/; SameSite=None; Secure

csrftoken must be included in the header of subsequent requests except the GET method.


x-csrftoken: KxlMDi8Nfy0HljwuWTRnJwDMfGtP5Zh8xHn4BMOEJFAxaRAFJx6MarlaHDM66LZ7

The osessionid is the default value determined by the SESSION_COOKIE_NAME parameter, which is read from the SESSION_COOKIE_NAME environment variable in the file. If this value has been modified, the updated SESSION_COOKIE_NAME must be included in the Cookie header.



Example Response (400 Bad Request)

"non_field_errors": [
"Unable to log in with provided credentials."

POST User Logout

This endpoint logs out the currently authenticated user by deleting their session data. After the request is processed, the user is unauthenticated and must log in again to access authenticated endpoints.

Path: /users/logout/

Authentication Required: Yes


Accept-Language: <iso_language_code>
Cookie: <cookie-name>=<session_id>
x-csrftoken: <token>

Request Body


Example Request

import requests

url = "https://{commerce_url}/users/logout/"

headers = {
'Accept-Language': '<iso_language_code>',
'Cookie': '<cookie-name>=<session_id>',
'x-csrftoken': '<token>'
response =, data=payload, headers=headers)

Example Response (200 OK)

No content is returned in the response body. The 200 OK status indicates that the user has been successfully logged out and their session invalidated.

POST User Registration

This endpoint allows users to create a new account.

Path: /users/registration/

Authentication Required: No


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: <iso_language_code>
x-csrftoken: <token>

Query Parameters

PropertyData TypeRequiredDescription
nextStringFalseRedirect url

Body Parameters

PropertyData TypeRequiredDescription
first_nameStringTrueThe first name of the user.
last_nameStringTrueThe last name of the user
emailStringTrueThe email address of the user.
passwordStringTrueThe password of the user.
confirmBooleanTrueIndicates that confirmation of the privacy policy must be set to True.
email_allowedBooleanFalseIndicates if the user consents to receiving emails.
sms_allowedBooleanFalseIndicates if the user consents to receiving SMS messages.
call_allowedBooleanFalseIndicates if the user consents to receiving phone calls.
genderStringFalseEnum type representing the user's gender (male, female).
date_of_birthStringFalseThe user's date of birth, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
usernameStringFalseThe username of the user.
user_typeStringFalseA string that indicates the type of user. A string that indicates the type of user.
phoneStringFalseThe user's phone number, validated and required for updates.
attributesDictFalseAdditional customizable user attributes in key-value pairs.
codeStringFalseThe verification code required for phone number changes. This parameter is used in RegisterKvkkView - RegisterKvkkSerializer and RegisterSMSOtpView - RegisterSMSOtpSerializer.
resendStringFalseIndicates if an verification code should be resent. This parameter is used in RegisterKvkkView - RegisterKvkkSerializer and RegisterSMSOtpView - RegisterSMSOtpSerializer.

Request Body

"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"password: "Test123",
"confirm": true

Example Request

import requests
import json

url = "https://{commerce_url}/users/otp-login/"

headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept-Language': '<iso_language_code>',
'x-csrftoken': '<token>'

payload = json.dumps({
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"password: "Test123",
"confirm": true

response =, headers=headers, data=payload)

Example Response (201 Created)

If the next query parameter is provided, it is used to set the redirect_url.

  • key: token is used for authentication.
"key": "290724f203a94a8fc4a3fe549cc2fa8e9566044e",
"redirect_url": "abc"

Example Response (201 Created)

"id": 1234,
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email_allowed": false,
"sms_allowed": true,
"call_allowed": false,
"avatar": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "0123456789",
"date_of_birth": "1990-05-15",
"gender": "male",
"genders": [
"value": "female",
"label": "female"
"value": "male",
"label": "male"
"language_code": "en-gb",
"attributes": {
"register_client_type": "mobile",
"logged_ip": "",
"kvkk_flat_page_version": "101",
"confirm": false
"date_joined": "2023-06-01T12:30:45.123456Z"

Example Response (202 Accepted)

"id": 1234,
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email_allowed": false,
"sms_allowed": true,
"call_allowed": false,
"avatar": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "0123456789",
"date_of_birth": "1990-05-15",
"gender": "male",
"genders": [
"value": "female",
"label": "female"
"value": "male",
"label": "male"
"language_code": "en-gb",
"attributes": {
"register_client_type": "mobile",
"logged_ip": "",
"kvkk_flat_page_version": "101",
"confirm": false
"date_joined": "2023-06-01T12:30:45.123456Z"

Example Response (200 OK)

When resend is True:

"message": "ok"

Example Response (400 Bad Request)

When confirm is False:

"confirm": [
"You must confirm privacy policy."

Example Response (400 Bad Request)

There is a GUEST_USER_REGISTRATION_REQUIRES_EMAIL_VERIFICATION dynamic setting. When it is set to true and the request data is available:

"attributes": {
"verification_required": true
"Please verify your email address before login."

Example Response (406 Not Acceptable)

"non_field_errors": "Mismatch confirmation data {phone}, {sms_allowed}, {email_allowed}, {call_allowed}, {email}.",
"error_code": "kvkk_service_100_2"

POST/GET User Registration Email Confirmation

This endpoint handles email confirmation for users during the account activation process. It validates the confirmation key provided in the URL and confirms the user's email address.

Path: /users/registration/account-confirm-email/<key>/

Authentication Required: Yes


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: <iso_language_code>
x-csrftoken: <token>
Cookie: <cookie-name>=<session_id>

Example Request

import requests
import json

url = "https://{commerce_url}/users/registration/account-confirm-email/sdjfklwıoghsfg/"

headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Cookie': '<cookie-name>=<session_id>',
'Accept-Language: '<iso_language_code>',
'x-csrftoken': '<token>'

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Example Response (200 OK)

Email confirmation succeeded, and the HTML file returned.

{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block content %}
<div class="account-contact__success js-account-success-box" style="display: block;">
<div class="account-contact__success__box">
<span class="account-contact__success__check fa fa-check"></span>
<div class="account-contact__success__title">
<p class="account-contact__success__description">
E-posta adresinizi doğrulamak için allttaki butona basınız.
<form method="post" action="{{ url('account_confirm_email', key=confirmation.key) }}">
{% csrf_token %}
<button type="submit" class="account-contact__success__redirect">DOĞRULA</button>
{% endblock %}

Example Response (404 Not Found)

If the confirmation key is invalid or expired:


POST User Registration Verify Email

This endpoint verifies the user's email address by using the token sent via email. After the user registers, they will receive an email with a token that they need to submit to verify their email and activate their account.

Path: /users/registration/verify-email/

Authentication Required: Yes


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: <iso_language_code>
Cookie: <cookie-name>=<session_id>
x-csrftoken: <token>

Body Parameters

PropertyData TypeRequiredDescription
keystringTrueThe verification token sent to the user’s email.

Request Body

"key": "12345abcdef"

Example Request

import requests

url = "https://{commerce_url}/users/registration/verify-email/"

payload = json.dumps({
"key": "12345abcdef"

headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept-Language: '<iso_language_code>',
'Cookie': '<cookie-name>=<session_id>',
'x-csrftoken': '<token>'

response =, headers=headers, data=payload)

Example Response (200 OK)

"detail": "ok"

GET Verify User Email

This endpoint verifies the user's email address. The user completes the verification process by clicking a confirmation link sent to their email. The signed_email and user_id_key are unique tokens generated by the commerce system to ensure secure validation.

Path: /users/email-verify/<signed_email>/<user_id_key>/

POST Add New User Email

This endpoint allows users to add a new email address to their account. A confirmation email is sent to the provided email address. The email is added only after the user confirms it through the link in the confirmation email.

Path: /users/emails/

Authentication Required: Yes


Accept-Language: <iso_language_code>
Cookie: <cookie-name>=<session_id>
x-csrftoken: <token>
Content-Type: 'application/json'

Body Parameters

PropertyData TypeRequiredDescription
emailstringTrueThe email address to be added.

Request Body

"email": ""

Example Request

import requests
import json

url = "https://{commerce_url}/users/conversations/35/"

payload = json.dumps({
"email": ""
headers = {
'Accept-Language': ' <iso_language_code>',
'Cookie': ' <cookie-name>=<session_id>',
'x-csrftoken': ' <token>',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Example Response (200 OK)

The email has been added successfully, and a confirmation email has been sent:


Example Response (400 Bad Request)

If the email already exists:

"email": [
"Email address is already exists."

GET Set User Email as Primary

This endpoint confirms the user's selection of a primary email address. The user completes the confirmation process by clicking a link sent to their email. The signed_email and user_id_key are unique tokens generated by the commerce system to ensure secure validation.

Path: /users/email-set-primary/<signed_email>/<user_id_key>/

POST User Email Change

This endpoint updates the primary email address of an authenticated user. A verification email is sent to the new email address, and the change is confirmed only after successful verification.

Path: /users/email-change/

Authentication Required: Yes


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: <iso_language_code>
Cookie: <cookie-name>=<session_id>
x-csrftoken: <token>

Body Parameters

PropertyData TypeRequiredDescription
emailstringTrueThe new email address to set for the user.
passwordstringTrueThe user's current password for validation.

Request Body

"password": "test.pass"

Example Request

import requests
import json

url = "https://{commerce_url}/users/email-change/"

payload = json.dumps({
"email": "",
"password": "test.pass"
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept-Language': '<iso_language_code>'
'Cookie': '<cookie-name>=<session_id>',
'x-csrftoken': '<token>'

response =, headers=headers, data=payload)


Example Response (200 OK)

"user": 6471,
"email": ""

Example Response (400 Bad Request)

"non_field_errors": [
"Invalid password."

GET User Email Show

This endpoint retrieves the email details associated with the authenticated user, including whether the email is verified and if it is the primary email.

Path: /users/emails/

Authentication Required: Yes


Accept-Language: <iso_language_code>
Cookie: <cookie-name>=<session_id>

Example Request

import requests

url = "https://{commerce_url}/users/emails/"

headers = {
'Accept-Language': '<iso_language_code>',
'Cookie': '<cookie-name>=<session_id>'

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Example Response (200 OK)

"id": 2,
"email": "",
"verified": false,
"primary": true,
"user": 1

Response Parameters:

PropertyData TypeDescription
idIntegerThe unique identifier of the email record.
emailStringThe email address associated with the user.
verifiedBooleanIndicates if the email address has been verified.
primaryBooleanIndicates if this is the primary email address of the user.
userIntegerThe unique identifier of the user who owns the email.

PATCH KVKK Unsubscribe User

This endpoint is used to update users' communication preferences as per KVKK (Turkish Personal Data Protection Law). The service utilizing this hook must be pre-registered. It allows unsubscribing users from email, SMS, or phone call permissions.

Path: /users/hooks/kvkk-unsubscribe-user/

Authentication Required: No


Accept-Language: <iso_language_code>
x-csrftoken: <token>
Content-Type: 'application/json'

Body Parameters

PropertyData TypeRequiredDescription
service_nameStringTrueThe name of the service using the hook.
hash_valueStringTrueA SHA-256 hash generated by encrypting the secret_key and request_datetime.
request_datetimeStringTrueSpecifies the time the request was sent. It must be in timezone-aware ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ffffff+HH:MM
unsubscribed_usersListTrueA list of users to unsubscribe, including their email or phone details.
unsubscribed_users.phoneStringFalseThe phone number of the user (either phone or email must be provided, but not both).
unsubscribed_users.emailStringFalseThe email address of the user (either phone or email must be provided, but not both).
unsubscribed_users.email_allowedBooleanFalseWhether the user allows email communication.
unsubscribed_users.sms_allowedBooleanFalseWhether the user allows SMS communication.
unsubscribed_users.call_allowedBooleanFalseWhether the user allows phone call communication.

Each user's subscription information must be specified as follows:

  • Only one of the phone or email fields can be used. Both cannot be provided at the same time.
  • The email_allowed, sms_allowed, and call_allowed fields can only have a value of False; these fields only allow the user to opt out of these communication channels.
"phone": string | not required,
"email": string | not required,
"email_allowed": bool | not required,
"sms_allowed": bool | not required,
"call_allowed": bool | not required

Hash Calculation

The service checks the hash_value provided by the user. This value is calculated using the secret_key and request_datetime. Below is a step-by-step explanation of how to compute the hash value.

1. Creating the Hash String: First, a string is created using the combination of secret_key and request_datetime (the time of the request) in ISO format.

  • secret_key: The key provided by the subscription service.
  • request_datetime: The timestamp of the request in ISO format.

The hash string is concatenated as follows:

hash_string = secret_key + request_datetime.isoformat()


  • secret_key: "my_secret_key"
  • request_datetime: "2024-09-26 10:49:58.694785+00:00"
  • request_datetime.isoformat(): “2024-09-26T10:49:58.694785+00:00”

Hash string:


2. Calculating the Hash: The generated string is then hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm. This process converts the string into a fixed-length hash value, ensuring data confidentiality.


  • hash_string: "my_secret_key2024-09-26T10:49:58.694785+00:00"

Calculated hash:

calculated_hash = SHA-256("my_secret_key2024-09-26T10:49:58.694785+00:00")

Resulting hash value:


Request Body

"service_name": "test",
"hash_value": "hash_value",
"request_datetime": "2024-12-04T14:30:00",
"unsubscribed_users": [
"email": "",
"email_allowed": false,
"sms_allowed": false,
"call_allowed": false

Example Request

import requests
import json

url = "https://{commerce_url}/users/hooks/kvkk-unsubscribe-user/"

payload = json.dumps({
"service_name": "test",
"hash_value": "hash_value",
"request_datetime": "2024-12-04T14:30:00",
"unsubscribed_users": [
"email": "",
"email_allowed": False,
"sms_allowed": False,
"call_allowed": False
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Example Response (200 OK)


PATCH Unsubscribe User

This endpoint is used to update users' communication preferences. The service utilizing this hook must be pre-registered. It specifically targets unsubscribing users from various communication permissions (email, SMS, or phone).

Path: /users/hooks/unsubscribe-user/

Authentication Required: No


Accept-Language: <iso_language_code>
x-csrftoken: <token>
Content-Type: 'application/json'

Body Parameters

PropertyData TypeRequiredDescription
service_nameStringTrueThe name of the service using the hook.
hash_valueStringTrueA SHA-256 hash generated by encrypting the secret_key and request_datetime.
request_datetimeStringTrueSpecifies the time the request was sent. It must be in timezone-aware ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ffffff+HH:MM
unsubscribed_usersListTrueA list of users to unsubscribe, including their email or phone details.
unsubscribed_users.emailStringTrueThe email of the user to be unsubscribed.
unsubscribed_users.email_allowedBooleanFalseWhether the user allows email communication.
unsubscribed_users.sms_allowedBooleanFalseWhether the user allows SMS communication.
unsubscribed_users.call_allowedBooleanFalseWhether the user allows phone call communication.

Hash Calculation

The hash calculation varies depending on each subscription gateway.

Request Body

"service_name": "test",
"hash_value": "hash_value",
"request_datetime": "2024-12-04T14:30:00",
"unsubscribed_users": [
"email": "",
"email_allowed": false,
"sms_allowed": false,
"call_allowed": false

Example Request

import requests
import json

url = "https://{commerce_url}/users/hooks/unsubscribe-user/"

payload = json.dumps({
"service_name": "test",
"hash_value": "hash_value",
"request_datetime": "2024-12-04T14:30:00",
"unsubscribed_users": [
"email": "",
"email_allowed": False,
"sms_allowed": False,
"call_allowed": False
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Example Response (200 OK)


PATCH User Anonymization

This endpoint allows an authenticated user to anonymize their personal data, in compliance with data privacy regulations. When anonymized, the following actions occur:

  • Identifying details (e.g., name, email, phone number): These are hashed to ensure user privacy.
  • Linked social accounts and email addresses: All associated accounts are anonymized.
  • User account: The account is deactivated.

The feature depends on the dynamic_settings.SELF_ANONYMIZATION_ENABLED configuration being set to True. By default, this setting is False.

Path: /users/anonymize/

Authentication Required: Yes


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: <iso_language_code>
Cookie: <cookie-name>=<session_id>
x-csrftoken: <token>

Example Request

import requests

url = "http://{commerce_url}/users/anonymize/"

headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept-Language: '<iso_language_code>',
'Cookie': '<cookie-name>=<session_id>',
'x-csrftoken': '<token>'

response = requests.patch(url, headers=headers)


Example Response (401 Unauthorized)

Authentication credentials were not provided:

"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."

Example Response (403 Forbidden)

The feature is disabled (SELF_ANONYMIZATION_ENABLED is False):

"detail": "You do not have permission to perform this action."

Example Response (200 OK)

Anonymization is successful, and no content is returned.