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Data Warehouse API Guide

Getting Started

This guide outlines various methods within the system's API for retrieving data about user accounts, product data, campaign details, and more, and will assist you in leveraging the full capabilities of data warehouse API.

The endpoints described in this guide are specifically designed to support users in configuring their own custom scenarios. These APIs can be utilized in the following ways:

1. Reporting Purposes

  • Extract real-time data on user accounts, product and order details, or campaign performance directly from the system. Create custom reports or dashboards to track key performance indicators (KPIs), analyze trends, and support decision-making processes.

2. Integration with Search Engines

  • Retrieve essential data such as product details, pricing, and stock levels from the system to feed into your own search engine infrastructure.

Each section of this documentation details the structure of API requests and responses, ensuring clarity and ease of use. The data retrieved through the API is always up-to-date, encompassing all records up to the exact moment the request is executed. This ensures that users have access to the most current information for their reporting needs.

Important Note

All methods described in this documentation should be executed using the GET method. It is also essential to include an authorization key in the header for each request, formatted as Token <token>.

Filtering Parameters

All endpoints in this API support the following filtering options to customize and refine your queries. Each filter option is designed to provide flexibility and control over the data retrieval process.

1. ID

The id filter allows you to query records based on their unique identifier. The following lookups are available for this filter:

  • gt: Greater than
  • gte: Greater than or equal to
  • lt: Less than
  • lte: Less than or equal to
  • exact: Matches the exact ID

Example Usage:

  • Retrieve records with IDs greater than 100:
  • Retrieve records with IDs less than or equal to 50:
  • Retrieve records with the exact ID of 123:

2. Modified Date

The modified_date filter allows you to query records based on the timestamp of their last modification. The following lookups are supported:

  • gt: Modified after the specified date and time
  • gte: Modified on or after the specified date and time
  • lt: Modified before the specified date and time
  • lte: Modified on or before the specified date and time

Example Usage:

  • Retrieve records modified after January 10, 2025:
  • Retrieve records modified on or before January 9, 2025:

Note: Dates and times must be provided in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD.

3. Sort

The sort parameter is used to order the results of a query based on one or more fields. By default, sorting is in ascending order. Use a hyphen (-) before a field to sort in descending order.

Example Usage:

  • Sort records by id in ascending order:
  • Sort records by modified_date in descending order:

4. Page

The page parameter is used for pagination to retrieve a specific subset of records.

Example Usage:

  • Retrieve the second page of results: ?page=2

Example Query Combining Filters

Retrieve records with the following criteria:

  • IDs greater than 100
  • Modified on or after January 10, 2025
  • Sorted by modified_date in descending order
  • Display the first page of results



1. Email Addresses

This method is used to retrieve information about the email addresses associated with user accounts. Each email address entry provides essential details about the email address, such as its verification status, whether it is the primary email for the user, and the associated user ID.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/account/email-addresses

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 3998,
"email": "",
"verified": false,
"primary": true,
"user": 3996
"id": 3569,
"email": "",
"verified": false,
"primary": true,
"user": 3567
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
emailStringThis field defines the email address.
verifiedBooleanThis field defines whether the email address has been verified.
primaryBooleanThis field defines whether the email address is the primary one among the user's email addresses.
userIntegerThis field defines the user ID.

2. Addresses

This method is used to fetch address details associated with user profiles. An address entry contains information like address type, creation and modification dates, contact details, and geographical identifiers such as country, city, and district.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/addresses

Example Response

"count": 1,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 35,
"address_type": "customer",
"created_date": "2021-12-15T11:00:16.884318Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-15T11:00:16.884337Z",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "05XXXXXXXXX",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"line": "Lorem Mah. Ipsum Sk. Apt. Aki N10",
"is_active": true,
"postcode": "",
"notes": null,
"company_name": "",
"tax_office": "",
"tax_no": "",
"e_bill_taxpayer": false,
"hash_data": "e3d841472c1463dfd9396d1ac38d1f88",
"remote_id": null,
"identity_number": null,
"title": "",
"primary": false,
"extra_field": null,
"country": 1,
"city": 43,
"township": 490,
"district": 35235,
"retail_store": null,
"user": 2083
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
address_typeStringThis field defines the address type. Possible values are: customer, retail_store, pickup_location, checkout_provider
emailStringThis field defines the email address associated with the address.
phone_numberStringThis field defines the phone number associated with the address.
first_nameStringThis field defines the name of the address owner.
last_nameStringThis field defines the surname of the address owner.
lineStringThis field defines the full address associated with the location.
is_activeBooleanThis field defines whether the address is active.
postcodeStringThis field defines the postal code.
notesStringThis field defines the note associated with the address.
tax_officeStringThis field defines the tax office associated with the address.
tax_noStringThis field defines the tax number associated with the address.
e_bill_taxpayerBooleanThis field defines whether the person is an e-bill taxpayer.
hash_dataStringThis field defines the hash value generated using specific fields associated with the address.
remote_idStringThis field defines the ID corresponding to the address from any 3rd party address service.
identity_numberStringThis field defines the identification number.
titleStringThis field defines the address title.
primaryStringThis field defines whether the address is the default among the user's addresses.
extra_fieldDictionaryThis field defines the extra fields associated with the address.
countryIntegerThis field defines the country ID associated with the address.
cityIntegerThis field defines the city ID associated with the address.
townshipIntegerThis field defines the township ID associated with the address.
districtIntegerThis field defines the district ID associated with the address.
retail_storeIntegerThis field defines the retail_store ID associated with the address.
userIntegerThis field defines the user ID.

3. Districts

This method retrieves district data, including name, status of activity, and related geographical identifiers like city and township.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/districts

Example Response

"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2021-12-14T09:49:56.542156Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-14T14:54:15.659708Z",
"is_active": true,
"name": "Test District 1",
"postcode": null,
"city": 3,
"township": 2
"id": 2,
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2021-12-14T09:49:56.591533Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-14T14:54:15.752098Z",
"is_active": true,
"name": "Test District 2",
"postcode": null,
"city": 3,
"township": 1
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
translationsDictionaryThis field defines the translations of the district name.
is_activeBooleanThis field defines whether the district is active.
nameStringThis field defines the name of the district.
postcodeStringThis field defines the postcode of the district.
cityIntegerThis field defines the city ID associated with the district.
townshipIntegerThis field defines the township ID associated with the district.

4. Countries

This method provides a list of countries available in the system, detailing the ID, name, and code of each country.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/countries

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 67,
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2022-03-09T11:24:14.749694Z",
"modified_date": "2022-07-25T14:52:21.731299Z",
"is_active": false,
"name": "England",
"code": "en"
"id": 1,
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2021-12-14T09:31:24.513867Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-14T14:43:25.201098Z",
"is_active": true,
"name": "Türkiye",
"code": "tr"
"id": 100,
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2024-03-28T11:03:58.645805Z",
"modified_date": "2024-03-28T11:09:20.480423Z",
"is_active": true,
"name": "romania",
"code": "RO"
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
translationsDictionaryThis field defines the translations of the country name.
is_activeBooleanThis field defines whether the country is active.
nameStringThis field defines the name of the country.
codeStringThis field defines the country code.

5. Cities

Retrieves data about cities, including their names, creation and modification dates, country code, and whether they are active or not.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/cities

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 9,
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2021-12-14T15:05:07.736025Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-14T15:05:07.736043Z",
"is_active": true,
"name": "AMASYA",
"priority": null,
"postcode": null,
"country": 1
"id": 10,
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2021-12-14T15:05:07.780098Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-14T15:05:07.780117Z",
"is_active": true,
"name": "ANKARA",
"priority": null,
"postcode": null,
"country": 1
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
translationsDictionaryThis field defines the translations of the city name.
is_activeBooleanThis field defines whether the city is active.
nameStringThis field defines the name of the city.
priorityIntegerThis field defines the priority of the city.
postcodeStringThis field defines the postcode of the city.
countryIntegerThis field defines the country ID associated with the city.

6. Townships

Similar to districts, this retrieves information about townships, linked to cities in the system.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/townships

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2021-12-14T09:39:31.257263Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-14T14:43:24.849496Z",
"is_active": true,
"name": "Test Township 2",
"postcode": null,
"city": 3
"id": 2,
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2021-12-14T09:39:31.312401Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-14T14:43:24.905228Z",
"is_active": true,
"name": "Test Township 1",
"postcode": null,
"city": 3
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
translationsDictionaryThis field defines the translations of the township name.
is_activeBooleanThis field defines whether the township is active.
nameStringThis field defines the name of the township.
postcodeStringThis field defines the postcode of the township.
cityIntegerThis field defines the city ID associated with the township.

7. Users

This method gets user profile details including username, email and various status or preferences indicators such as if the user is active, staff, superuser, or verified.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/users

Example Response

"count": 1,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 2214,
"gender": "male",
"user_type": "registered",
"last_login": "2022-02-15T13:06:30.944355Z",
"is_superuser": false,
"username": "",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"is_staff": false,
"is_active": false,
"date_joined": "2021-12-27T11:12:17.584260Z",
"attributes": {
"anonimization_time": "2023-01-10T15:02:57.294554",
"logged_ip": "",
"register_client_type": "default",
"verified_user": true,
"tom_pay_allowed": true,
"anonymized_by_user": false,
"anonimizing_user_id": 2214
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"email_allowed": true,
"sms_allowed": true,
"call_allowed": null,
"avatar": null,
"is_anonymized": true,
"phone": "e2042aa1f736e2b77c50cc17201d2742",
"date_of_birth": null,
"modified_date": "2023-01-10T15:02:57.295313Z",
"language_code": "tr-tr",
"groups": [
"user_permissions": []

ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
date_joinedStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
genderStringThis field defines the user's gender. Possible values are: male, female
user_typeStringThis field defines the user type. Possible values are: guest, registered
last_loginStringThis field defines the date of the user's last login.
is_superuserBooleanThis field defines whether the user is a super user.
usernameStringThis field defines the username.
first_nameStringThis field defines the user's first name.
last_nameStringThis field defines the user's last name.
emailStringThis field defines the user's email.
is_staffBooleanThis field defines whether the user is a staff.
is_activeBooleanThis field defines whether the user is active.
attributesDictionaryThis field defines a dictionary containing the user's attributes.
attributes_kwargsDictionaryThis field defines a dictionary containing the user's attributes.
localized_attributesDictionaryThis field defines a dictionary containing translations of the user's attributes based on the language.
localized_attributes_kwargsDictionaryThis field defines a dictionary containing translations of the user's attributes based on the language.
email_allowedBooleanThis field defines the user's email communication consent.
sms_allowedBooleanThis field defines the user's SMS communication consent.
call_allowedBooleanThis field defines the user's call communication consent.
avatarStringThis field defines the user's photo.
is_anonymizedBooleanThis field defines whether the user has been anonymized.
phoneStringThis field defines the user's phone number.
date_of_birthStringThis field defines the user's birthday.
language_codeStringThis field defines the user's local language.
groupsListThis field defines the permission groups to which the user is added.
user_permissionsListThis field defines the user’s permissions.

8. Favourite Products

Retrieves favorite products, containing the ID of the product and user, along with timestamps of creation and last modification. It indicates which user has marked which product as a favorite.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/favourite-products

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"created_date": "2022-03-21T09:01:37.920584Z",
"modified_date": "2022-03-21T09:01:37.920605Z",
"user": 2247,
"product": 17
"id": 2,
"created_date": "2022-03-21T12:12:33.884157Z",
"modified_date": "2022-03-21T12:12:33.884180Z",
"user": 2247,
"product": 20
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
userIntegerThis field defines the ID of the user who has added the favorite product.
productIntegerThis field defines the ID of the product that is marked as a favorite.

9. Product Alerts

This method provides alerts related to changes, such as when a product is back in stock or its price changes, including the user's language preference and the specific product it relates to.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/product-alerts

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 2,
"created_date": "2023-03-23T12:22:24.779014Z",
"modified_date": "2023-03-23T12:22:24.779035Z",
"language": "tr-tr",
"is_active": true,
"user": 4326,
"product": 199
"id": 3,
"created_date": "2023-03-23T12:30:16.672857Z",
"modified_date": "2023-03-23T12:30:16.672874Z",
"language": "tr-tr",
"is_active": true,
"user": 4327,
"product": 199
"id": 1,
"created_date": "2023-03-23T12:11:46.179792Z",
"modified_date": "2023-09-19T12:00:00.888343Z",
"language": "tr-tr",
"is_active": false,
"user": 4295,
"product": 265
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
userIntegerThis field defines the ID of the user who has added the product alert.
productIntegerThis field defines the ID of the product for which the product alert has been added.
languageStringThis field defines the local language.
is_activeBooleanThis field defines whether the product alert is active.

10. Orders

Fetches order-related data, detailing financial amounts, order statuses, customer information, and various logistical details surrounding order handling.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/orders/orders

Example Response

"count": 1,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 5974,
"status": "300",
"currency": "try",
"client_type": "default",
"shipping_company": null,
"created_date": "2024-10-14T14:57:33.510137Z",
"modified_date": "2024-10-14T14:57:44.718746Z",
"number": "2736958430012460",
"amount": "179.50",
"discount_amount": "10.50",
"shipping_amount": "90.00",
"shipping_tax_rate": null,
"refund_amount": "0.00",
"discount_refund_amount": "0.00",
"shipping_refund_amount": "0.00",
"invoice_number": null,
"invoice_date": null,
"e_archive_url": null,
"tracking_number": null,
"defined_tracking_url": null,
"remote_addr": "159.XXX.102.XXX",
"has_gift_box": false,
"gift_box_note": null,
"language_code": "en-us",
"notes": null,
"delivery_range": null,
"extra_field": {
"funds_transfer": {
"reference_code": "200243242264335"
"user_email": "",
"shipping_option_slug": "cdek-cargo",
"payment_option_slug": "test-havale",
"bin_number": null,
"installment_count": 1,
"installment_interest_amount": "0.00",
"shipping_tracking_url": null,
"user": 6603,
"basket": 10172,
"shipping_option": 67,
"payment_option": 199,
"card": null,
"installment": null,
"segment": null,
"shipping_address": 5248,
"billing_address": 5248,
"checkout_provider": null

For Order Status codes, refer to: Order Status Codes documentation.

ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
statusStringThis field defines the order status.
currencyStringThis field defines the currency used for the payment.
client_typeStringThis field defines the platform on which the order was placed. Possible values are: default, android, ios, instore, b2b
shipping_companyStringThis field defines the shipping company responsible for delivering the order.
numberStringThis field defines the unique order number.
amountStringThis field defines the order amount.
discount_amountStringThis field defines the discount amount.
shipping_amountStringThis field defines the shipping fee.
shipping_tax_rateStringThis field defines the tax rate on the shipping fee.
refund_amountStringThis field defines the amount that has been returned.
discount_refund_amountStringThis field defines the total amount of discounts that have been canceled.
shipping_refund_amountStringThis field defines the refunded shipping fee.
invoice_numberStringThis field defines the invoice number.
invoice_dateStringThis field defines the invoice date.
e_archive_urlStringThis field defines the e-invoice URL.
tracking_numberStringThis field defines the shipping tracking number.
defined_tracking_urlStringThis field defines the customized tracking URL.
remote_addrStringThis field defines the IP address from which the order was placed.
has_gift_boxBooleanThis field defines whether the order will be placed in a gift box.
gift_box_noteStringThis field defines the note for the gift box.
language_codeStringThis field defines the language associated with the order.
notesStringThis field defines the note related to the order.
delivery_rangeStringThis field defines the estimated delivery time range for the order.
extra_fieldDictionaryThis field defines an additional field required for the order if necessary.
user_emailStringThis field defines the email address of the user who placed the order.
shipping_option_slugStringThis field defines the slug information for the selected shipping option.
payment_option_slugStringThis field defines the slug information for the selected payment option.
bin_numberStringThis field defines the BIN (Bank Identification Number) of the credit card if payment was made by credit card.
installment_countIntegerThis field defines the number of installments selected during payment.
installment_interest_amountStringThis field defines the total interest applied for installment payments.
shipping_tracking_urlStringThis field defines the shipping tracking URL.
userIntegerThis field defines the user ID of the person who placed the order.
basketIntegerThis field defines the basket ID associated with the order.
shipping_optionIntegerThis field defines the ID of the selected shipping option.
payment_optionIntegerThis field defines the ID of the selected payment option.
cardIntegerThis field defines the Card ID stored in the database, associated with the BIN number and POS, if the payment was made by credit card.
installmentIntegerThis field defines the Installment database ID associated with the card.
segmentIntegerThis field defines the segment ID information to which the user is associated, if applicable.
shipping_addressIntegerThis field defines the address ID where the order will be delivered.
billing_addressIntegerThis field defines the billing address ID associated with the order.
checkout_providerIntegerThis field defines the provider ID if the order was placed through a checkout provider.

11. Order Items

Retrieves information about items included in orders, showing product identifiers, pricing, and status details.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/orders/order-items

Example Response

"count": 1,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 530,
"status": "100",
"price_currency": "try",
"shipping_company": null,
"created_date": "2022-08-01T16:31:20.889371Z",
"modified_date": "2022-08-18T20:33:01.224584Z",
"attributes": {},
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"price": "799.99",
"tax_rate": "8.00",
"invoice_number": null,
"invoice_date": null,
"e_archive_url": null,
"tracking_number": null,
"defined_tracking_url": null,
"retail_price": "1000.00",
"image": null,
"extra_field": {
"price_extra_field": {},
"stock_extra_field": {}
"estimated_delivery_date": null,
"shipping_tracking_url": null,
"order": 562,
"product": 20,
"parent": null,
"extra_product_price": null,
"extra_product_stock": null,
"datasource": null,
"shipping_option_group": null
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
statusStringThis field defines the order item status.
shipping_companyStringThe field defines the shipping company for the order item.
attributesDictionaryThe field defines the attributes of the order item.
price_currencyStringThe field defines the price currency for the order item.
attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the attribute kwargs for the order item.
localized_attributesDictionaryThe field defines the localized attributes for the order item.
localized_attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the localized attribute kwargs for the order item.
priceStringThe field defines the price of the order item.
tax_rateStringThe field defines the tax rate for the order item.
invoice_numberStringThe field defines the invoice number for the order item.
invoice_dateStringThe field defines the invoice date for the order item.
e_archive_urlStringThe field defines the e-archive URL for the order item.
tracking_numberStringThe field defines the tracking number for the order item.
defined_tracking_urlStringThe field defines the custom tracking URL for the order item.
retail_priceStringThe field defines the retail price for the order item.
imageStringThe field defines the image of the order item.
extra_fieldDictionaryThe field defines the extra field for the order item.
estimated_delivery_dateStringThe field defines the estimated delivery date for the order item.
shipping_tracking_urlStringThe field defines the shipping tracking URL for the order item.
orderIntegerThe field defines the order ID associated with the order item.
productIntegerThe field defines the product ID associated with the order item.
parentIntegerThe field defines the parent ID associated with the order item.
extra_product_priceIntegerThe field defines the ID of the extra product price associated with the product. If not specified, the default price applies.
extra_product_stockIntegerThe field defines the ID of the extra product stock associated with the product. If not specified, the default stock applies.
datasourceIntegerThe field defines the seller from whom the order item was purchased.
shipping_option_groupIntegerThe field defines the shipping option group to which the order item belongs.

12. Order Transactions

This method retrieves financial transaction data related to orders, including transaction types, currencies, amounts, and additional relational details such as user information and order connections.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/orders/transactions

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1288,
"transaction_type": "purchase",
"currency": "try",
"created_date": "2022-10-17T14:52:31.625212Z",
"modified_date": "2022-10-17T14:52:31.625238Z",
"user_email": "",
"remote_addr": "95.XXX.XXX.XXX",
"transaction_id": null,
"raw_request": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<posnetRequest><mid>6706598320</mid><tid>67360944</tid><sale><amount>10070</amount><ccno>450*********8942</ccno><currencyCode>YT</currencyCode><cvc>***</cvc><expDate>****</expDate><orderID>00000034002107963285412477</orderID></sale></posnetRequest>",
"raw_response": "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-9'?><posnetResponse><approved>0</approved><respCode>0148</respCode><respText>INVALID MID TID IP. Hatalı IP:XXX.59.XXX.56</respText></posnetResponse>",
"is_succeeded": false,
"amount": "100.70",
"three_d_used": false,
"auth_code": null,
"pos": 133,
"order": null,
"main_pos": null,
"user": null
"id": 983,
"transaction_type": "redirect",
"currency": "eur",
"created_date": "2022-07-21T06:50:50.981786Z",
"modified_date": "2022-07-21T06:50:50.981817Z",
"user_email": "",
"remote_addr": "XXX.XXX.137.XX",
"transaction_id": "REDIRECT_3D_20316422469911414_MDK",
"raw_request": "",
"raw_response": "",
"is_succeeded": true,
"amount": "205.10",
"three_d_used": true,
"auth_code": null,
"pos": 1,
"order": null,
"main_pos": null,
"user": 3106
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
user_emailStringThe field defines the user email of the order transactions.
transaction_typeStringThe field defines the type of the order transactions.
remote_addrStringThe field defines the remote address of the order transactions.
currencyStringThe field defines the currency of the order transactions.
transaction_idStringThe field defines the transaction ID of the order transactions.
raw_requestDictionaryThe field defines the raw request of the order transactions.
raw_responseDictionaryThe field defines the raw response of the order transactions.
is_succeededBooleanThe field defines the success status of the order transactions.
amountStringThe field defines the amount of the order transactions.
three_d_usedBooleanThe field defines the 3D usage status of the order transactions.
auth_codeStringThe field defines the authorization code of the order transactions.
posIntegerThe field defines the pos of the order transactions.
orderIntegerThe field defines the order of the order transactions.
main_posIntegerThe field defines the main pos of the order transactions.
userIntegerThe field defines the user of the order transactions.

13. Order Discount Items

This method retrieves data about discounts applied to orders, including details such as discount amounts, related offers, and conditions.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/orders/discount-items

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"created_date": "2021-12-15T07:47:03.455566Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-15T07:47:03.459586Z",
"name": "Winter items with 20% discount!",
"amount": "320.00",
"cancel_amount": "0.00",
"data_source_discount_sharing_rate": null,
"data": null,
"order": 1,
"conditional_offer": 1,
"session_offer": null
"id": 34,
"created_date": "2022-01-17T10:17:04.598483Z",
"modified_date": "2022-01-17T10:17:04.642435Z",
"name": "test coupon 1",
"amount": "50.00",
"cancel_amount": "0.00",
"data_source_discount_sharing_rate": null,
"data": null,
"order": 167,
"conditional_offer": 68,
"session_offer": null
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
nameStringThe field defines the label of the applied discount.
amountStringThe field defines the total discount amount.
cancel_amountStringThe field defines the refunded amount of the discount.
data_source_discount_sharing_rateStringThe field defines the percentage of the discount covered by the seller.
dataDictionaryThe field defines the data related to the discount item.
orderIntegerThe field defines the associated order ID.
conditional_offerIntegerThe field defines the associated condition offer ID.
session_offerIntegerThe field defines the associated condition offer ID.

14. Order Benefit Applicants

This method indicates the relationship between order items and discounts, showing which discount is applied to each order item by returning the IDs of the order items and their associated discount records.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/orders/benefit-applicants

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"created_date": "2021-12-15T07:47:03.462115Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-15T07:47:03.462129Z",
"discount_item": 1,
"order_item": 1
"id": 2,
"created_date": "2021-12-15T07:47:03.470688Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-15T07:47:03.470702Z",
"discount_item": 1,
"order_item": 2
"id": 3,
"created_date": "2021-12-15T11:35:48.816719Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-15T11:35:48.816733Z",
"discount_item": 2,
"order_item": 3
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
discount_itemIntegerThe field defines the associated discount item id.
order_itemIntegerThe field defines the associated order item id.

15. Pretty URLs

The Pretty URLs method retrieves a list of user-friendly and SEO-optimized URL formats, referred to as Pretty URLs. Each Pretty URL entry provides a mapping from the original, non-optimized URL (old_path) to the optimized, user-friendly URL (new_path).

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/pretty-urls

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 57,
"created_date": "2021-10-25T17:57:15.696000Z",
"modified_date": "2021-11-12T11:21:51.111000Z",
"new_path": "/terms",
"old_path": "/flat-page/34/",
"func_module": "omnishop.cms.resources.views",
"func_name": "flat_page",
"func_initkwargs": {},
"viewname": "flat-page",
"args": [],
"kwargs": {
"flat_page_id": "34"
"query_params": {},
"language": "tr-tr",
"parent": null
"id": 58,
"created_date": "2021-10-25T17:57:15.702000Z",
"modified_date": "2021-11-12T11:21:51.132000Z",
"new_path": "/privacy",
"old_path": "/flat-page/1/",
"func_module": "omnishop.cms.resources.views",
"func_name": "flat_page",
"func_initkwargs": {},
"viewname": "flat-page",
"args": [],
"kwargs": {
"flat_page_id": "1"
"query_params": {},
"language": "tr-tr",
"parent": null
ParameterData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
old_pathStringThe original URL contains query strings.
new_pathStringThe new SEO-optimized URL.
func_nameStringThe view function used to serve the URL (e.g., ProductDetailPageApiView).
func_moduleStringThe file name where func_name is defined.
func_initkwargsDictionaryKeyword arguments passed to the view function.
viewnameStringThe URL name associated with old_path (e.g., product).
argsListThe positional arguments parsed from the URL and passed to the view.
kwargsDictionaryThe keyword arguments parsed from the URL and passed to the view.
query_paramsDictionaryThe query parameters extracted from old_path.
parentIntegerThe generated Pretty URL for the default language in multi-language setups.
languageStringThe language used to slugify values of UrlGeneratorConfig placeholders to generate new_path.
old_pathStringThe original URL contains query strings.

16. Products

This method retrieves detailed information about the available products, including attributes, product types, and various configurations.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/products/products

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 335,
"product_type": "0",
"created_date": "2023-03-10T13:46:04.258931Z",
"modified_date": "2024-06-13T07:47:16.178157Z",
"attributes": {
"integration_color": "SIYAH",
"has_dynamic_price": true,
"Age": "5-10",
"min_miktar": "5",
"max_miktar": "50",
"urun_artis_degeri": "5",
"description": "34"
"attributes_kwargs": {
"Age": {
"_translations": {
"en-us": {
"label": "5-10"
"data_type": "dropdown",
"value": "5-10",
"label": "Genç"
"integration_color": {
"_translations": {
"en-us": {
"label": "Black"
"data_type": "dropdown",
"value": "SIYAH",
"label": "SIYAH"
"localized_attributes": {
"tr-tr": {
"description": "34"
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {
"tr-tr": {}
"name": "Test product",
"base_code": "TUP-001",
"sku": "TUP-001-XS",
"uuid": "c4cd34ad-8270-4355-8715-62862c74cad1",
"is_active": false,
"extra_attributes": {},
"listing_code": null,
"is_seller_product": false,
"is_listable": false,
"is_form_required": true,
"parent": 8,
"attribute_set": 3,
"custom_attribute_set": null,
"pretty_url": 1977,
"listable_product": null,
"data_source": null,
"group_products": []
"id": 10,
"product_type": "2",
"created_date": "2021-12-14T09:31:39.145820Z",
"modified_date": "2024-09-19T07:03:55.313919Z",
"attributes": {
"integration_color": "WHITE"
"attributes_kwargs": {
"integration_color": {
"_translations": {
"en-us": {
"label": "WHITE"
"value": "WHITE",
"label": "2021"
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"name": "bundle test",
"base_code": "bundle test",
"sku": "1234568686",
"uuid": "6fa16734-0678-4a86-8827-d0e596fe49ef",
"is_active": true,
"extra_attributes": {},
"listing_code": null,
"is_seller_product": false,
"is_listable": false,
"is_form_required": true,
"parent": null,
"attribute_set": 3,
"custom_attribute_set": null,
"pretty_url": null,
"listable_product": null,
"data_source": null,
"group_products": []
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
product_typeStringThe field defines the type of the product.
attributesDictionaryThe field defines the product's attributes.
attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the attributes.
localized_attributesDictionaryThe field defines the product attributes that have been translated into other languages.
localized_attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the translations for the product attributes.
nameStringThe field defines the name of the product.
base_codeStringThe field defines the base code for the product.
skuStringThe field defines the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) for the product.
uuidStringThe field defines a unique identifier in UUID format for the product.
is_activeBooleanThe field defines whether the product is active or not.
extra_attributesDictionaryThe field defines additional custom attributes for the product.
listing_codeStringThe field defines the listing code for the product (if applicable).
is_seller_productBooleanThe field defines whether the product is a seller's product.
is_listableBooleanThe field defines whether the product can be listed or not.
is_form_requiredBooleanThe field defines whether the product requires a form to be filled in the checkout process.
parentIntegerThe field defines the ID of the parent product (if this product is a child product).
attribute_setIntegerThe field defines the attribute set ID that the product belongs to.
custom_attribute_setIntegerThe field defines the custom attribute set (if any) associated with the product.
pretty_urlIntegerThe field defines the pretty URL ID for the product.
listable_productIntegerThe field defines whether the product is part of a listable set (if applicable).
data_sourceIntegerThe field defines the data source associated with the product (if applicable).
group_productsListThe field defines the grouped products (if any) associated with the main product.

17. Product Images

This method retrieves image data for products, including image links and associated metadata such as the image dimensions, status, and the product to which the image belongs.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/products/product-images

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 26,
"status": "active",
"created_date": "2021-12-14T09:31:47.452161Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-14T09:31:47.452182Z",
"image": "",
"height": 80,
"width": 101,
"order": 0,
"product": 9
"id": 2919,
"status": "active",
"created_date": "2022-06-08T14:30:56.146659Z",
"modified_date": "2024-09-10T13:51:04.853786Z",
"image": "",
"height": 1500,
"width": 1000,
"order": 0,
"product": 67
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
statusStringThe field defines the current status of the image. disabled or active
imageStringThe field defines the URL of the image file associated with the product.
heightIntegerThe field defines the height of the image in pixels.
widthIntegerThe field defines the width of the image in pixels.
orderIntegerThe field defines the viewing order in which the image file will be displayed.
productIntegerThe field defines the ID of the product associated with the image.

18. Campaign Conditions

This method retrieves the specific conditions for campaigns, detailing the eligibility requirements that need to be met for a customer to benefit from a campaign. This information helps in understanding how conditions are defined for various campaigns, such as minimum purchase amounts, product quantities, or user-specific requirements.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/campaigns/conditions

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 431,
"condition_type": "amount",
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2022-06-20T07:35:14.467162Z",
"modified_date": "2022-09-26T12:20:48.037487Z",
"upsell_message": "Sepetinize {remaining} değerinde daha ürün ekleyin, kargo bedava olsun.",
"kwargs": {
"price_type": "unit_price",
"query": [],
"consume_type": "globally",
"value": 100,
"sub_conditions": []
"product_collection": null
"id": 68,
"condition_type": "amount",
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2022-01-17T10:08:26.767434Z",
"modified_date": "2022-08-02T21:37:14.517944Z",
"upsell_message": "Sepetinize {remaining} değerinde daha ürün ekleyin.",
"kwargs": {
"price_type": "unit_price",
"overlimit": 9999,
"value": 100,
"sub_conditions": [
"query": [
"consume_type": "locally"
"product_collection": null
"id": 366,
"condition_type": "quantity",
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2022-06-01T09:18:56.276638Z",
"modified_date": "2022-10-05T15:01:15.787787Z",
"upsell_message": "",
"kwargs": {
"price_type": "unit_price",
"value": 3,
"consume_type": "locally",
"query": [
"distinct_by": "sku",
"sub_conditions": [
"product_collection": 1
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
condition_typeStringThe field defines the type of condition. distinct, quantity, amount, query
translationsDictionaryThis field defines the translations of the condition.
upsell_messageStringThis field defines the message prompting users to add more products to their cart to qualify for free shipping.
kwargsDictionaryThis field defines various conditions and configurations for pricing and consumption.
kwargs[price_type]StringThe field defines which price type the discount will be applied to. unit_price, discount_unit_price, retail_price
product_collectionIntegerThis field defines the product collection id associated with this condition.

19. Campaign Benefits

This method retrieves the benefits associated with specific campaigns that are applied when the corresponding campaign conditions are met. These benefits can include discounts, free products, or shipping offers, among others. Each benefit is linked to certain pricing conditions and may be applied globally or locally to qualifying items in the campaign.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/campaigns/benefits

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 728,
"benefit_type": "fixed",
"created_date": "2022-09-14T10:42:46.111952Z",
"modified_date": "2022-09-14T10:42:46.111965Z",
"kwargs": {
"price_type": "discount_unit_price",
"amount": 1234,
"consume_type": "locally"
"product_collection": null
"id": 68,
"benefit_type": "sample_product",
"created_date": "2022-01-17T10:08:26.794324Z",
"modified_date": "2022-08-02T21:37:14.524954Z",
"kwargs": {
"price_type": "unit_price",
"allowed_quantity": 100,
"amount": 50,
"share_benefit_on_conditions": true,
"consume_type": "locally"
"product_collection": null
"id": 300,
"benefit_type": "shipping_free",
"created_date": "2022-05-10T12:35:50.027063Z",
"modified_date": "2022-08-19T10:25:09.840640Z",
"kwargs": {
"price_type": "unit_price",
"consume_type": "globally"
"product_collection": null
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
benefit_typeStringThe field defines the type of benefit. multibuy, percentage, fixed, shipping_free, point, coupon, voucher, sample_product, loyalty_point
kwargsDictionaryThis field defines various conditions and configurations for pricing and consumption.
kwargs[price_type]StringThe field defines which price type the discount will be applied to. unit_price, discount_unit_price, retail_price
product_collectionIntegerThis field defines the product collection id associated with this benefit.

20. Campaign Basket Offers

This method returns details about a specific offer, including its ID, status (e.g., 'used'), type (e.g., 'coupon'), and applicable currencies. It includes timestamps for creation and modification, visibility settings, start and end dates, and usage limits. The response also provides references to the related promotion, condition, and benefit, along with the user ID associated with the offer.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/campaigns/basket-offers

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 68,
"status": "used",
"offer_type": "coupon",
"currencies": [
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2022-01-17T10:08:26.807946Z",
"modified_date": "2022-08-02T21:37:14.529445Z",
"label": "test coupon 1",
"voucher_code": null,
"is_visible": true,
"is_visible_on_list": false,
"start_datetime": "2022-01-17T10:04:29.208000Z",
"end_datetime": "2023-03-30T10:04:33.353000Z",
"priority": 1,
"allowed_quantity_per_basket": 1,
"is_mergable": true,
"max_usage_per_user": 0,
"kwargs": {},
"is_available_for_data_sources": false,
"max_stock_limit": 0,
"promotion": 68,
"condition": 68,
"benefit": 68,
"user": 2247
"id": 728,
"status": "active",
"offer_type": "bulk_voucher_code",
"currencies": [
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2022-09-14T10:42:46.119532Z",
"modified_date": "2022-09-14T10:42:46.119545Z",
"label": null,
"voucher_code": null,
"is_visible": true,
"is_visible_on_list": false,
"start_datetime": null,
"end_datetime": null,
"priority": 0,
"allowed_quantity_per_basket": 1,
"is_mergable": true,
"max_usage_per_user": 0,
"kwargs": {},
"is_available_for_data_sources": false,
"max_stock_limit": 0,
"promotion": 728,
"condition": 728,
"benefit": 728,
"user": null
"id": 2153,
"status": "passive",
"offer_type": "sitewide",
"currencies": [
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2024-04-25T14:15:29.718279Z",
"modified_date": "2024-05-13T11:29:09.312415Z",
"label": "umut testi",
"voucher_code": null,
"is_visible": true,
"is_visible_on_list": true,
"start_datetime": "2024-04-24T14:13:25.547000Z",
"end_datetime": null,
"priority": 0,
"allowed_quantity_per_basket": 1,
"is_mergable": true,
"max_usage_per_user": 2,
"kwargs": {
"show_benefit_products": true
"is_available_for_data_sources": false,
"max_stock_limit": 0,
"promotion": 2153,
"condition": 2153,
"benefit": 2153,
"user": null
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
offer_typeStringThis field defines the type of offer. sitewide, coupon, coupon_code, voucher_code, bulk_voucher_code, bulk_coupon
translationsDictionaryThis field defines any translations for the coupon, if available.
statusStringThis field defines the current status of the coupon. active, passive, used
currenciesListThis field defines the list of currencies in which the coupon is valid (e.g., "EUR").
labelStringThis field defines the label or name of the coupon (e.g., "test coupon 1").
voucher_codeStringThe field defines the code to be used for the discount.
is_visibleBooleanThis field defines whether the coupon is visible to users
is_visible_on_listBooleanThis field defines whether the coupon is visible in the list (true or false).
start_datetimeStringThis field defines the start date and time when the coupon becomes valid.
end_datetimeStringThis field defines the end date and time when the coupon expires.
priorityIntegerThis field defines the priority of the coupon (e.g., 1 being the highest priority).
allowed_quantity_per_basketIntegerThis field defines the maximum quantity of the coupon allowed per basket (e.g., 1).
is_mergableBooleanThis field defines whether the coupon can be merged with other coupons (true or false).
max_usage_per_userIntegerThis field defines the maximum number of times the coupon can be used by a single user (0 means no limit).
kwargsDictionaryThis field defines additional conditions or configurations for the coupon (currently empty).
is_available_for_data_sourcesBooleanThis field defines whether the coupon is available for use in data sources (false in this case).
max_stock_limitIntegerThis field defines the maximum stock limit for the coupon (0 means no limit).
promotionIntegerThis field defines the ID of the promotion associated with the coupon.
conditionIntegerThis field defines the ID of the condition associated with the coupon.
benefitIntegerThis field defines the ID of the benefit associated with the coupon.
userIntegerThe field defines the user ID of the person who can use the created coupon.

21. Campaign Promotions

This method retrieves details about a specific promotion, including its ID, name, slug, creation and modification timestamps, and translations (if available). It is linked to an offer, and stores the offer’s slug along with the promotion names as seen by the user.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/campaigns/promotions

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 68,
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2022-01-17T10:08:26.743007Z",
"modified_date": "2022-08-02T21:37:14.507136Z",
"name": "test coupon 1",
"slug": "test-coupon-1"
"id": 596,
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2022-08-26T11:55:49.274970Z",
"modified_date": "2022-08-26T11:55:49.275000Z",
"name": "Doğum Günü Eylül 2022",
"slug": "dogum-gunu-eylul"
"id": 134,
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2022-02-01T11:19:34.417436Z",
"modified_date": "2022-06-27T14:24:25.521267Z",
"name": "indirim kodu",
"slug": "indirim-kodu"
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
translationsDictionaryThis field defines any translations for the promotions, if available.
nameStringThe field defines the name of the promotion.
slugStringThe field defines the slug associated with the promotion.

22. Bulk Voucher Codes

This method returns a list of voucher codes generated for a specific campaign. It provides details such as the voucher code, its status (active or inactive), and the associated campaign.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/campaigns/bulk-voucher-codes

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 34,
"status": "active",
"created_date": "2022-04-15T13:15:22.614196Z",
"modified_date": "2022-04-15T13:15:22.614221Z",
"code": "EA1C07BB3C",
"basket_offer": 167,
"order": null,
"discount_item": null,
"user": null
"id": 35,
"status": "active",
"created_date": "2022-04-15T13:15:22.632334Z",
"modified_date": "2022-04-15T13:15:22.632366Z",
"code": "EA6539A787",
"basket_offer": 167,
"order": null,
"discount_item": null,
"user": null
"id": 1,
"status": "active",
"created_date": "2022-03-21T08:02:59.115717Z",
"modified_date": "2022-03-21T08:14:10.393467Z",
"code": "04F3C8ED",
"basket_offer": 167,
"order": null,
"discount_item": null,
"user": null
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
translationsDictionaryThis field defines any translations for the promotions, if available.
codeStringThe field defines the code to be used for the discount.
basket_offerIntegerThe field defines the ID of the associated basket offer.
orderIntegerThe field defines the order to which the discount code has been applied.
discount_itemIntegerThe field defines the discount item to which the discount code has been applied.
userIntegerThe field defines the user ID of the person who can use the created voucher code.

23. Session Offers

This method returns details about specific session-based offers, including the offer's ID, status, type (e.g., 'b2b'), creation and modification timestamps, the offer code, and additional response data if available.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/campaigns/session-offers

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"status": "used",
"type": "b2b",
"created_date": "2023-08-23T17:22:06.619526Z",
"modified_date": "2023-08-23T17:22:06.619549Z",
"code": "b2b-promotion",
"response": {}
"id": 2,
"status": "used",
"type": "b2b",
"created_date": "2023-08-23T19:07:09.053046Z",
"modified_date": "2023-08-23T19:07:09.053062Z",
"code": "b2b-promotion",
"response": {}
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
statusStringThis field defines the current status of the coupon. active, passive, used
typeStringThe field defines the type of the session offer. b2b, extension, …
codeStringThe field defines the code to be used for the discount.
responseDictionaryThe field defines the response of the 3rd party promotion request.

24. Loyalty Cards

This method returns details about a specific loyalty card, including its ID, account number, creation and modification timestamps, and the associated user ID.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/campaigns/loyalty-cards

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"created_date": "2023-04-14T02:45:56.689592Z",
"modified_date": "2023-04-14T02:45:56.689614Z",
"attributes": {
"account_number": "00011111"
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"number": "00011111",
"user": 2
"id": 2,
"created_date": "2023-04-14T02:49:53.706928Z",
"modified_date": "2023-04-14T02:49:53.706950Z",
"attributes": {
"account_number": "0000000"
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"number": "0000000",
"user": 1
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
attributesDictionaryThe field defines the attributes of the loyalty card.
attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the loyalty card, including points, tier, and expiration.
localized_attributesDictionaryThe field defines the loyalty card that has been translated into other languages.
localized_attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the translations for the loyalty card attributes.
numberStringThe field defines the loyalty card number associated with the user.
userIntegerThe field defines the ID of the user who owns the loyalty card.

25. Product Collection Items

This method returns details about a specific product collection, including its ID, UUID, creation and modification timestamps, the associated product ID, and the related collection ID.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/campaigns/product-collection-items

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 2707,
"created_date": "2023-05-29T13:00:00.846251Z",
"modified_date": "2023-05-29T13:00:00.846272Z",
"uuid": "cd17669e-9174-45a3-8bab-b49da718145a9",
"product": 532,
"collection": 668
"id": 2708,
"created_date": "2023-05-29T13:00:38.849032Z",
"modified_date": "2023-05-29T13:00:38.849055Z",
"uuid": "284b3a0a-d358-4480-9525-0564d3caf1a3e",
"product": 598,
"collection": 667
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
uuidStringThe field defines the unique UUID associated with the collection item.
productIntegerThe field defines the ID of the product associated with the collection item.
collectionIntegerThe field defines the ID of the collection that the collection item is associated with.

26. Product Collections

This method returns details about a specific product collection, including its ID, name, collection type (e.g., 'static'), creation and modification timestamps, UUID, slug, sort option, and active status. It may also include an expiration date if applicable..

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/campaigns/product-collections

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 172,
"collection_type": "static",
"created_date": "2022-03-10T08:10:39.786674Z",
"modified_date": "2024-09-30T08:09:29.573528Z",
"is_active": true,
"expiration_date": null,
"uuid": "6e4b5598-6a4b-45cb-8443-5c71fc330f86",
"slug": "gruplu-urun-collection",
"sort_option": 298
"id": 469,
"collection_type": "dynamic",
"created_date": "2022-11-16T12:11:13.650801Z",
"modified_date": "2023-05-16T12:15:05.172252Z",
"name": "yeni dinamik koleksiyon",
"is_active": false,
"expiration_date": null,
"uuid": "57443afe-645c-4cab-889c-913e0cdfd9e9",
"slug": "yeni-dinamik-koleksiyon",
"sort_option": 894
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
uuidStringThe field defines the unique UUID associated with the collection..
collection_typeStringThe field defines the type of the collection. dynamic or static
nameStringThe field defines the name of the collection.
is_activeBooleanThe field defines whether the collection is active or not.
expiration_dateStringThe field defines the validity date for the dynamic collection.
slugStringThe field defines the unique slug for the collection.
sort_optionIntegerThe field defines the ID of the option that will be used for sorting within the collection.

27. SEO

This method returns details about a specific SEO entry, including its ID, creation and modification timestamps, URL, title, description, and keywords. It also includes any associated attributes, such as CSS class, along with localized attributes if available.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/cms/seo

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 6,
"created_date": "2022-02-17T12:54:17.627406Z",
"modified_date": "2023-04-27T14:39:00.371107Z",
"attributes": {
"css_class": "1"
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"url": "/test/abc",
"title": "deneme1234",
"description": "altınsay için deneme/122423535",
"id": 67,
"created_date": "2022-09-26T10:49:39.892644Z",
"modified_date": "2023-01-23T12:57:31.518628Z",
"attributes": {
"google": {
"image": "add_helper_image.jpg",
"name": "add-helper-ios",
"description": "An app that helps customers to grow their business in various fields"
"attributes_kwargs": {
"google": {
"_translations": null,
"data_type": "nested",
"value": {}
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"url": "/servis-sunum-urunleri/kek-fanus/",
"title": "Kek Fanus Modelleri & Uygun Fiyatları",
"description": "kek ve fanus fiyatlari",
"keywords": "#fanus"
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
attributesDictionaryThe field defines the attributes of the SEO.
attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the SEO.
localized_attributesDictionaryThe field defines the SEO that has been translated into other languages.
localized_attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the translations for the SEO attributes.
urlStringThe field defines the URL that will be used for SEO purposes.
titleStringThe field defines the title used for SEO purposes.
descriptionStringThe field defines the description used for SEO purposes.
keywordsStringThe field defines the keywords used for SEO purposes.

28. Special Pages

This method returns details about a specific special page, including its ID, name, URL, template, and extraction strategy. It also includes information on banners, video embedded code, associated product collection, and pretty URL. The response may also include the page’s active status, creation and modification timestamps, and any localized or additional attributes.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/cms/special-pages

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 37,
"extraction_strategy": "",
"created_date": "2022-02-09T12:55:31.590364Z",
"modified_date": "2022-09-07T12:03:30.870002Z",
"attributes": {},
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"name": "a",
"url": "/tr/b/",
"template": "d",
"banner": null,
"banner_mobile": null,
"banner_url": "f",
"banner_description": "<p>g</p>",
"is_active": false,
"video_embedded_code": "e",
"product_collection": 73,
"pretty_url": 359
"id": 44,
"extraction_strategy": "",
"created_date": "2022-02-11T13:33:10.396142Z",
"modified_date": "2022-09-08T13:13:42.943832Z",
"attributes": {},
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"name": "eee",
"url": "eeeeee",
"template": null,
"banner": "",
"banner_mobile": null,
"banner_url": null,
"banner_description": null,
"is_active": true,
"video_embedded_code": "it should work",
"product_collection": 7,
"pretty_url": 371
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
extraction_strategyStringThe field defines the strategy selected for displaying products on the page.
attributesDictionaryThe field defines the attributes of the special page.
attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the special page.
localized_attributesDictionaryThe field defines the special page that has been translated into other languages.
localized_attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the translations for the special page attributes.
nameStringThe field defines the name of the special page.
urlStringThe field defines the URL through which the defined special page can be accessed.
templateStringThe field defines the name of the template to be rendered.
bannerStringThe field defines the URL of the banner image.
banner_mobileStringThe field defines the URL of the mobile banner image.
banner_urlStringThe field defines the URL of the page banner.
banner_descriptionStringThe field defines the description area of the banner.
is_activeBooleanThe field defines whether the special page is active or not.
video_embedded_codeStringThe field defines the embedded video code added to the special page.
product_collectionIntegerThe field defines the collection that will be displayed on the page.
pretty_urlIntegerThe field defines the pretty URL associated with the page.

29. Widget Types

This method returns details about a specific widget type, including its ID, name, and schema. The schema contains information about the widget’s attributes, such as the title, its localizability, required status, data type, and label

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/cms/widget-types

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 70,
"name": "Footer Menu",
"schema": {
"second_column_title": {
"is_localizable": true,
"data_type": "text",
"key": "second_column_title",
"label": "Second Column Title"
"second_column_items": {
"multi": true,
"schema": {
"is_target_blank": {
"choices": [
"value": true,
"label": "Yes"
"value": false,
"label": "No"
"data_type": "dropdown",
"key": "is_target_blank",
"label": "Is Open at New Window?"
"name": {
"data_type": "text",
"key": "name",
"label": "Name"
"redirect_url": {
"is_localizable": true,
"data_type": "text",
"key": "redirect_url",
"label": "Redirect Url"
"data_type": "nested",
"key": "second_column_items",
"label": "Second Column Items"
"first_column_items": {
"multi": true,
"schema": {
"is_side_column_item": {
"choices": [
"value": false,
"label": "No"
"value": true,
"label": "Yes"
"data_type": "dropdown",
"key": "is_side_column_item",
"label": "Is Place at Side Column?"
"is_target_blank": {
"choices": [
"value": true,
"label": "Yes"
"value": false,
"label": "No"
"data_type": "dropdown",
"key": "is_target_blank",
"label": "Is Open at New Window?"
"name": {
"data_type": "text",
"key": "name",
"label": "Name"
"redirect_url": {
"is_localizable": true,
"data_type": "text",
"key": "redirect_url",
"label": "Redirect Url"
"data_type": "nested",
"key": "first_column_items",
"label": "First Column Items"
"third_column_title": {
"is_localizable": true,
"data_type": "text",
"key": "third_column_title",
"label": "Third Column Title"
"first_column_title": {
"is_localizable": true,
"data_type": "text",
"key": "first_column_title",
"label": "First Column Title"
"third_column_items": {
"multi": true,
"schema": {
"is_target_blank": {
"choices": [
"value": true,
"label": "Yes"
"value": false,
"label": "No"
"data_type": "dropdown",
"key": "is_target_blank",
"label": "Is Open at New Window?"
"name": {
"data_type": "text",
"key": "name",
"label": "Name"
"redirect_url": {
"is_localizable": true,
"data_type": "text",
"key": "redirect_url",
"label": "Redirect Url"
"data_type": "nested",
"key": "third_column_items",
"label": "Third Column Items"
"id": 100,
"name": "Product Recommendation",
"schema": {
"title": {
"is_localizable": true,
"required": false,
"data_type": "text",
"key": "title",
"label": "Title"

Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
nameStringThe field defines the name of the widget type.
schemaDictionaryThe field defines the schema of the widget type, which includes the structure, attributes, and relationships required to render and configure the widget.

30. Widgets

This method returns details about a specific widget, including its ID, name, slug, template, creation and modification timestamps, and content type. It also includes information about the associated widget type and any attributes, both localized and non-localized.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/cms/widgets

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1619,
"created_date": "2023-10-18T10:47:02.114059Z",
"modified_date": "2023-10-18T10:47:02.114105Z",
"attributes": {},
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"name": "Test",
"slug": "test",
"template": "test",
"content_type": 107,
"widget_type": 893
"id": 927,
"created_date": "2022-08-15T11:24:36.003731Z",
"modified_date": "2023-09-12T07:16:03.053789Z",
"attributes": {
"basket_banners": [
"image_link": "",
"image": "cms/2022/08/15/549f817c-40d4-4892-b347-8d824ef5229b.png"
"image_link": "asdasdasd"
"attributes_kwargs": {
"basket_banners": [
"_translations": null,
"data_type": "nested",
"value": {
"image": {
"_translations": null,
"data_type": "image",
"value": "cms/2022/08/15/549f817c-40d4-4892-b347-8d824ef5229b.png"
"_translations": null,
"data_type": "nested",
"value": {}
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"name": "atasys",
"slug": "atays-aa",
"template": "atas",
"content_type": 3,
"widget_type": 926
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
attributesDictionaryThe field defines the attributes of the widget
attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the widget.
localized_attributesDictionaryThe field defines the widget that has been translated into other languages.
localized_attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the translations for the widget attributes.
nameStringThe field defines the widget's name.
slugStringThe field defines the widget's slug.
templateStringThe field defines the template used for the widget.
content_typeIntegerThe field defines the widget's content type.
widget_typeIntegerThe field defines the ID of the widget type that the widget is associated with.

31. Special Page Pretty URLs

This method returns details about a specific special page’s pretty URL, including its ID, creation and modification timestamps, associated special page ID, URL, and the language in which it is defined.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/cms/special-page-pretty-urls

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 4804,
"created_date": "2024-03-20T13:33:10.711319Z",
"modified_date": "2024-03-20T13:33:10.711351Z",
"special_page": 1,
"url": "",
"language": "tr-tr"
"id": 4804,
"created_date": "2024-03-20T13:33:10.711319Z",
"modified_date": "2024-03-20T13:33:10.711351Z",
"special_page": 2,
"url": "",
"language": "tr-tr"
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
special_pageIntegerThe field defines the ID of the special page that it is associated with.
urlStringThe field defines the pretty URL.
languageStringThe field defines the language code.

32. Landing Page Types

This method returns details about a specific landing page type, including its ID, name, slug, creation and modification timestamps, and associated function module and name. It also includes the schema for the landing page, such as attributes like product badges, with their data types, requirements, and labels.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/cms/landing-page-types

Example Response

"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"created_date": "2022-08-02T08:54:56.700630Z",
"modified_date": "2022-11-01T06:53:43.012243Z",
"name": "Brand",
"slug": "brand",
"func_module": "omnishop.cms.resources.views",
"func_name": "LandingPageView",
"schema": {
"product_badge_furry": {
"schema": {
"image": {
"required": true,
"data_type": "image",
"key": "image",
"label": "Görsel"
"data_type": "nested",
"key": "product_badge_furry",
"label": "Product Badge Furry"
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
nameIntegerThe field defines the name of the landing page type.
slugStringThe field defines the slug of the landing page type.
func_moduleStringThe field defines the file name where the func_name is defined.
func_nameStringThe field defines the view function used to serve the URL (e.g., ProductDetailPageApiView).
schemaDictionaryThe field defines the structure and rules for the landing page.

33. Landing Pages

This method returns details about a specific landing page, including its ID, name, URL, template, and associated landing page type. It also provides information about its active status, content type, pretty URL, and related attributes, including any localized attributes and values.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/cms/landing-pages

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 102,
"created_date": "2022-08-24T20:43:35.320679Z",
"modified_date": "2023-10-20T08:18:41.101642Z",
"attributes": {
"product_badge_furry": {
"image": "cms/2022/11/01/7d4ab718-1ded-4367-aed8-3b0e7103282a.png"
"attributes_kwargs": {
"product_badge_furry": {
"_translations": null,
"data_type": "nested",
"value": {
"image": {
"_translations": null,
"data_type": "image",
"value": "cms/2022/11/01/7d4ab718-1ded-4367-aed8-3b0e7103282a.png"
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"name": "beraa",
"url": "dd",
"template": "gg",
"is_active": false,
"content_type": 5,
"pretty_url": 1481,
"landing_page_type": 1,
"attribute_value": 70
"id": 1,
"created_date": "2022-08-03T09:04:31.659420Z",
"modified_date": "2022-09-13T13:00:44.068390Z",
"attributes": {},
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"name": "a",
"url": "q",
"template": "brand/index.html",
"is_active": false,
"content_type": 5,
"pretty_url": 1280,
"landing_page_type": 1,
"attribute_value": 75
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
attributesDictionaryThe field defines the attributes of the landing page.
attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the landing page.
localized_attributesDictionaryThe field defines the landing page that has been translated into other languages.
localized_attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the translations for the landing page attributes.
nameStringThe field defines the name of the landing page.
urlStringThe field defines the URL of the landing page.
templateStringThe field defines the template used for the landing page.
is_activeBooleanThe field defines whether the special page is active or not.
content_typeIntegerThe field defines the landing page’s content type.
pretty_urlIntegerThe field defines the pretty URL associated with the page.
landing_page_typeIntegerThe field defines the ID of the landing page type associated with the landing page.
attribute_valueIntegerThe field defines the ID of the attribute value associated with it.

34. Loyalty Accounts

This method returns details about a specific loyalty account, including its ID, currency, balance, and whether debit is allowed. It also includes the account number, UUID, creation and modification timestamps, and the associated user email if available.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/loyalty/accounts

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 298,
"currency": "try",
"created_date": "2024-01-26T14:22:58.329253Z",
"modified_date": "2024-09-17T10:46:46.149033Z",
"uuid": "7fce0caf-710c-43e3-acd1-65631f73343b",
"number": "Refund Account-try",
"user_email": null,
"balance": "-1468.29",
"debit_allowed": true,
"user": null
"id": 136,
"currency": "try",
"created_date": "2023-10-26T14:40:31.381771Z",
"modified_date": "2023-10-26T14:40:31.381797Z",
"uuid": "9aa5a08b-29fd-44db-9844-f8114af60c53",
"number": "9494",
"user_email": "",
"balance": "22000.00",
"debit_allowed": false,
"user": 2214
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
uuidStringThe field defines the unique UUID of the loyalty account.
numberStringThe field defines the loyalty account number.
user_emailStringThe field defines the email address of the user who owns the loyalty account.
balanceStringThe field defines the balance available in the loyalty account.
debit_allowedBooleanThe field defines whether debit transactions are allowed on the loyalty account.
userIntegerThe field defines the ID of the user to whom the loyalty account is associated.

35. Loyalty Transfers

This method returns details about a specific loyalty transfer, including its ID, currency, amount, and reference number. It also includes the associated loyalty account ID, transaction ID, and timestamps for creation and modification.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/loyalty/transfers

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"currency": "try",
"created_date": "2023-10-26T14:31:13.226966Z",
"modified_date": "2023-10-26T14:31:13.226981Z",
"uuid": "92fee5b7-98ff-4a92-9450-7a616d6d7901",
"amount": "-300.70",
"reference": "2431086506011755",
"account": 134,
"transaction": 1
"id": 2,
"currency": "try",
"created_date": "2023-10-26T14:31:13.229323Z",
"modified_date": "2023-10-26T14:31:13.229339Z",
"uuid": "74fb0dc3-642e-41c0-9584-6d85b117aa27",
"amount": "300.70",
"reference": "2431086506011755",
"account": 135,
"transaction": 1
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
currencyStringThe field defines the currency of the loyalty transfer.
uuidStringThe field defines the unique UUID of the loyalty transfer.
amountStringThe field defines the total amount of the loyalty transfer.
referenceStringThe field defines the reference field for the loyalty transfer, which is the order number if the transfer was made for an order.
transactionStringThe field defines the transaction ID created for the loyalty transfer.

36. Loyalty Transactions

This method returns details about a specific loyalty transaction, including its ID, currency, amount, and reference number. It also includes the associated user email, order ID, user ID, remote address, and timestamps for creation and modification.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/loyalty/transactions

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"currency": "try",
"created_date": "2023-10-26T14:31:13.215606Z",
"modified_date": "2023-10-26T14:31:13.215622Z",
"remote_addr": "",
"uuid": "70c53926-1b0a-4fae-9d67-c9dc1ea95305",
"amount": "300.70",
"user_email": "",
"reference": "2431086506011755",
"order": 3007,
"user": 3633
"id": 2,
"currency": "try",
"created_date": "2023-10-26T14:31:56.074843Z",
"modified_date": "2023-10-26T14:31:56.074858Z",
"remote_addr": "",
"uuid": "2b11e82e-0c73-40ba-aa2f-f7f134ec1211",
"amount": "150.70",
"user_email": "",
"reference": "2431086934712174",
"order": 3008,
"user": 3633
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
currencyStringThe field defines the currency of the loyalty transaction.
uuidStringThe field defines the unique UUID of the loyalty transaction.
amountStringThe field defines the total amount of the loyalty transaction.
referenceStringThe field defines the reference field for the loyalty transaction, which is the order number if the transfer was made for an order.
user_emailStringThe field defines the email address of the user who owns the loyalty account.
orderIntegerThe field defines the order associated with the transaction.
userIntegerThe field defines the ID of the user to whom the loyalty account is associated.

37. Social Accounts

This method returns details about a specific social account, including its ID, provider (e.g., 'facebook'), UID, last login date, date joined, and any additional data. It also includes the associated user ID.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/social-account/accounts

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"provider": "facebook",
"uid": "1384644591011311",
"last_login": "2022-01-17T11:38:16.728103Z",
"date_joined": "2022-01-17T11:38:16.728121Z",
"extra_data": "{}",
"user": 2346
"id": 166,
"provider": "akifast",
"uid": "6252B00AA0FB496FA5066CDBE44747D5",
"last_login": "2023-06-12T09:47:14.690930Z",
"date_joined": "2023-06-12T09:47:14.690946Z",
"extra_data": "{u'phone_number': u'+905555555554', u'status': u'ACTIVE', u'akinon_user_id': u'6252B00AA0FB496FA5066CDBE44747D5', u'surname': u'bravo', u'name': u'john', u'verification_status': u'EMAIL', u'gender': None, u'identity_number': None, u'phone': {u'national_phone_number': u'5555555554', u'country_phone_code': u'+90'}, u'email_verified': None, u'birth_date': None, u'verification_date': u'2023-06-12T09:47:09.81+00:00', u'email': u''}",
"user": 4590
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
providerStringThe field defines the social account provider. e.g. akifast, facebook, apple, …
uidStringThe field defines the unique UID of the social account.
last_loginStringThe field defines the last login date of the user.
date_joinedStringThe field defines the date when the user registered using a social account.
extra_dataDictionaryThe field defines the extra data related to the social account provider.

38. Content Types

This method returns details about a specific content type, including its ID, app label, and model. The content type is used to link to a specific model in the application, allowing for flexible object referencing.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/content-types

Example Response

"count": 10,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"app_label": "products",
"model": "product"
"id": 2,
"app_label": "menus",
"model": "menuitemmodel"
"id": 3,
"app_label": "cms",
"model": "widget"
"id": 4,
"app_label": "cms",
"model": "seo"
"id": 5,
"app_label": "cms",
"model": "landingpage"
"id": 6,
"app_label": "users",
"model": "user"
"id": 7,
"app_label": "promotions",
"model": "loyaltycard"
"id": 8,
"app_label": "admin",
"model": "logentry"
"id": 9,
"app_label": "auth",
"model": "group"
"id": 10,
"app_label": "auth",
"model": "permission"
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
app_labelStringThe field defines the name of the app associated with the content type.
modelStringThe field defines the model name associated with the content type.

39. Redirects

This method returns details about a specific redirect URLs, including its ID, the old URL path, the new redirected path, and the associated site ID.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/redirects

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1519,
"old_path": "/1691-lorem-ipsum-urun/",
"new_path": "/1691-dolor-sit-amet/",
"site": 1
"id": 1717,
"old_path": "/accessories/",
"new_path": "/aksesuarlar/",
"site": 1
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
old_pathStringThe field defines the URL at which the redirection will occur.
new_pathStringThe field defines the URL to which the redirection will be made.
siteStringThe field defines the site ID required for the redirection.

40. POS

This method returns details about a specific POS option, including its ID, name, slug, associated payment gateway, and resource URL. It may also include a URL for 3D secure processing, if applicable

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/payments/pos

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 2,
"name": "Hediye Çeki ile Öde",
"slug": "posas_giftcard",
"gateway": "omnicore.libs.payment_gateways.posas_giftcard.PosAsGiftCardGateway",
"resource_url": "",
"three_d_resource_url": null
"id": 67,
"name": "MultiSafepay - Mastercard",
"slug": "multisafepay-mastercard",
"gateway": "omnicore.libs.payment_gateways.multisafepay.MultiSafepayGateway",
"resource_url": "",
"three_d_resource_url": null
"id": 232,
"name": "YKB Credit",
"slug": "ykb-credit",
"gateway": "omnicore.libs.payment_gateways.ykb_credit.YKBCreditGateway",
"resource_url": "",
"three_d_resource_url": null
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
nameStringThe field defines the name of the POS.
slugStringThe field defines the unique slug or identifier used for the POS
gatewayStringThe field defines which payment gateway the POS will use.
resource_urlStringThe field defines the URL of the resources associated with the POS.
three_d_resource_urlStringThe field defines the URL for the 3D secure resources of the POS.

41. Shipping Options

This method returns details about a specific shipping option, including its ID, delivery type, name, slug, and active status. It also includes the shipping option’s associated sorting order, calculator, rule (with its name and slug), and any additional information in the form of attributes like descriptions and logos

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/shippings/shipping-options

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 133,
"delivery_type": "standard",
"translations": {
"en-us": {
"name": "Test Cargo Weight Calc",
"description": "False"
"created_date": "2022-06-01T11:28:05.631055Z",
"modified_date": "2024-09-30T20:31:48.686564Z",
"name": "Test Cargo Weight Calc",
"slug": "test-cargo-weight-calc",
"logo": null,
"is_active": true,
"sort_order": 0,
"calculator": {
"weight_field": "desi",
"weight_ranges": [
"prices_per_currency": {
"try": {
"price": 0.7
"price": 13,
"upper_limit": 49,
"lower_limit": 0
"prices_per_currency": {
"try": {
"price": 2
"price": 21,
"upper_limit": 199,
"lower_limit": 50
"prices_per_currency": {
"try": {
"price": 3
"price": 66,
"upper_limit": null,
"lower_limit": 200
"name": "Weight Based Calculator",
"slug": "weight-based-calculator"
"rule": {
"exclude": false,
"cities": [
"name": "City Rule",
"slug": "city-rule"
"kwargs": {},
"description": "False"
"id": 232,
"delivery_type": "same_day",
"translations": null,
"created_date": "2023-10-31T14:11:23.404864Z",
"modified_date": "2024-09-17T13:09:24.630956Z",
"name": "test-option",
"slug": "TEST-123",
"logo": null,
"is_active": true,
"sort_order": 1,
"calculator": {},
"rule": {
"name": "Any Rule",
"slug": "any-rule"
"kwargs": {},
"description": "{}"

Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
delivery_typeStringThe field defines the type of delivery for the shipping option same_day, next_day, standard, in_store
translationsDictionaryThis field defines the translations of the district name.
nameStringThe field defines the name of the shipping option.
slugStringThe field defines the slug of the shipping option.
logoStringThe field defines the logo associated with the shipping option.
is_activeBooleanThe field defines whether the shipping option is active,
sort_orderIntegerThe field defines the sort order of the shipping option.
calculatorDictionaryThe field defines the rule used to calculate the price of the shipping option.
ruleDictionaryThe field defines the rule that determines under which conditions the shipping option can be selected.
kwargsDictionaryThe field defines any additional parameters for the shipping option.
descriptionStringThe field defines the description of the shipping option.

42. Baskets

This method returns details about a specific shopping basket, including its ID, status, creation and modification timestamps, version, and associated voucher code. It also provides information about the user and any namespaces linked to the basket, if applicable.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/baskets/baskets

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 397,
"status": "active",
"created_date": "2022-01-17T06:39:41.093938Z",
"modified_date": "2022-01-17T06:39:41.093962Z",
"version": 1642400634409187,
"voucher_code": null,
"namespace": null,
"user": null
"id": 202,
"status": "submitted",
"created_date": "2021-12-23T13:22:15.297769Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-23T13:27:48.174865Z",
"version": 1640265121490109,
"voucher_code": null,
"namespace": null,
"user": 2116
"id": 2,
"status": "merged",
"created_date": "2021-12-14T10:32:43.621526Z",
"modified_date": "2021-12-14T11:23:50.876846Z",
"version": 1639480084192093,
"voucher_code": null,
"namespace": null,
"user": null
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
statusBooleanThe field defines the current status of the basket. active, inactive, expired, merged, frozen, submitted
versionStringThe field defines the version of the basket, useful for tracking changes.
voucher_codeStringThe field defines the code of the voucher applied to the basket.
namespaceStringThe field defines the identifier used to distinguish multiple baskets for a user.
userIntegerThe field defines the user id associated with the basket.

43. Basket Items

This method returns details about a specific item in a shopping basket, including its ID, quantity, product reference, and version. It also includes information such as the associated basket ID, product ID, and any additional attributes (like tax rate, unit price, image, and extra product details), if available.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/baskets/basket-items

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 11705,
"currency_type": null,
"created_date": "2024-10-15T10:50:32.264559Z",
"modified_date": "2024-10-15T10:50:32.264584Z",
"attributes": {},
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"version": 1728988485579827,
"reference": "694",
"quantity": 1,
"tax_rate": null,
"unit_price": null,
"image": null,
"basket": 10175,
"product": 694,
"extra_product_price": null,
"extra_product_stock": null,
"parent": null,
"datasource": null
"id": 11704,
"currency_type": null,
"created_date": "2024-10-15T10:48:17.631098Z",
"modified_date": "2024-10-15T10:48:17.631127Z",
"attributes": {},
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"version": 1728988350946378,
"reference": "431",
"quantity": 1,
"tax_rate": null,
"unit_price": null,
"image": null,
"basket": 10174,
"product": 431,
"extra_product_price": null,
"extra_product_stock": null,
"parent": null,
"datasource": null

Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
attributesDictionaryThe field defines the attributes of the basket item.
attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the basket item.
localized_attributesDictionaryThe field defines the basket item that has been translated into other languages.
localized_attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the translations for the basket item attributes.
currency_typeStringThe field defines the currency used for the basket item.
versionStringThe field defines the version of the basket item, useful for tracking changes.
referenceStringThis field defines a reference for the basket item.
quantityIntegerThis field defines the quantity of the product.
tax_rateStringThis field defines the tax rate applied to the basket item.
unit_priceStringThis field defines the unit price of the product.
imageStringThis field defines the URL or path to the product's image.
basketIntegerThis field defines the ID of the basket that contains the product.
productIntegerThe field defines the ID of the product associated with the basket item.
extra_product_priceIntegerThe field defines the ID of the extra product price associated with the product. If not specified, the default price applies.
extra_product_stockIntegerThe field defines the ID of the extra product stock associated with the product. If not specified, the default stock applies.
parentIntegerThe field defines the ID of the associated basket item, if there is a related basket item.
datasourceIntegerThe field defines the ID that indicates which seller the item belongs to.

44. Deleted Items

This method returns details about a specific deleted item, including its ID, object ID, deletion timestamp, and the content type associated with the item.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/deleted-items

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"object_id": "628",
"deleted_date": "2022-12-26T14:05:06.500808Z",
"content_type": 138
"id": 2,
"object_id": "859",
"deleted_date": "2022-12-26T14:09:50.288407Z",
"content_type": 138
"id": 34,
"object_id": "3302",
"deleted_date": "2022-12-27T14:10:45.122585Z",
"content_type": 45
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
object_idStringThe field defines the ID value of the deleted object.
deleted_dateStringThe field defines the deletion date of the object.
content_typeIntegerThe field defines the content type of the deleted object.

45. Category Nodes

This method returns details about a specific category node, including its ID, name, path, and depth in the category hierarchy. It also includes the number of child nodes, sorting order, associated pretty URL, and timestamps for creation and modification.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/catalogs/category-nodes

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 9,
"created_date": "2021-12-14T09:31:21.317126Z",
"modified_date": "2024-07-26T07:26:41.610456Z",
"uuid": "1d362f9e-6f50-4235-bf36-1bd134194f50",
"attributes": {},
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"path": "0001000100010005",
"depth": 4,
"numchild": 1,
"order": 1,
"name": "Swimwear",
"pretty_url": 67,
"sort_option": 431
"id": 100,
"created_date": "2022-07-28T07:38:21.647124Z",
"modified_date": "2024-07-26T07:26:41.716411Z",
"uuid": "97665973-ed41-408d-ba07-e494a7d3e478",
"attributes": {},
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"path": "00010001000100050001",
"depth": 5,
"numchild": 1,
"order": 1,
"name": "puf",
"pretty_url": 1247,
"sort_option": 727
"id": 166,
"created_date": "2022-08-24T06:42:56.084198Z",
"modified_date": "2024-07-26T07:26:41.820998Z",
"uuid": "23c6903c-1e3d-472c-8fd7-565a16a9f623",
"attributes": {},
"attributes_kwargs": {},
"localized_attributes": {},
"localized_attributes_kwargs": {},
"path": "000100010001000500010001",
"depth": 6,
"numchild": 0,
"order": 1,
"name": "Sandalet",
"pretty_url": 1478,
"sort_option": 826

Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
attributesDictionaryThe field defines the attributes of the category node.
attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the category node.
localized_attributesDictionaryThe field defines the category node that has been translated into other languages.
localized_attributes_kwargsDictionaryThe field defines the details of the translations for the category node attributes.
uuidStringThe field defines the UUID of the category node.
pathStringThis field defines the path as the hierarchical route from the root to the node.
depthIntegerThis field defines the depth as the level of the node in the tree, starting from zero.
numchildIntegerThis field defines the numchild as the number of direct children the node has.
orderIntegerThe field defines the order of the category node.
nameStringThe field defines the name of the category.
pretty_urlStringThe field defines the pretty URL of the category.
sort_optionStringThe field defines the ID of the sort option applied to order the category.

46. Product Prices

This method returns details about a specific product’s price, including its ID, price type (e.g., 'default'), currency type, retail price, tax rate, and the actual price. It also provides any extra fields and the associated product ID.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/catalogs/product-prices

Example Response

"count": 3,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 628,
"currency_type": "try",
"price_type": "default",
"created_date": "2024-02-19T06:22:12.340965Z",
"modified_date": "2024-02-19T06:22:12.340997Z",
"retail_price": "199.00",
"tax_rate": "8.00",
"price": "199.00",
"extra_field": {},
"product": 661
"id": 496,
"currency_type": "try",
"price_type": "default",
"created_date": "2023-05-27T20:52:18.234301Z",
"modified_date": "2023-05-27T20:52:18.234322Z",
"retail_price": "111.99",
"tax_rate": "0.18",
"price": "109.99",
"extra_field": {},
"product": 530
"id": 67,
"currency_type": "try",
"price_type": "default",
"created_date": "2022-04-13T06:56:37.098255Z",
"modified_date": "2024-09-19T07:03:07.485317Z",
"retail_price": "150.00",
"tax_rate": "10.00",
"price": "150.00",
"extra_field": {},
"product": 68
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
created_dateStringThis field defines the creation date.
modified_dateStringThis field defines the last updated date.
currency_typeStringThe field defines the currency type of the product price.
price_typeStringThe field defines the type of price applied to the product.
retail_priceStringThe field defines the retail price of the product.
tax_rateStringThe field defines the tax rate applied to the product.
priceStringThe field defines the actual price of the product.
extra_fieldDictionaryThe field defines additional fields or attributes related to the product.
productIntegerThe field defines the product ID associated with the product price.

47. Revision

This method retrieves details about specific revisions, tracking changes made to objects over time. This is useful for auditing purposes and ensures traceability of modifications. Each revision includes an ID, creation date, an optional comment explaining the change, and the user who made the revision.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/reversions/revisions

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 203,
"date_created": "2024-05-20T08:11:05.700676Z",
"comment": "24.XXX.93.56",
"user": 3501
"id": 100,
"date_created": "2023-06-06T21:52:02.645500Z",
"comment": "",
"user": null
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
date_createdStringThis field defines the timestamp when the revision was created.
commentStringThis field defines an optional description or note that explains the changes made in the revision.
userIntegerThis field defines the user who created the revision, linking the changes to a specific user.

48. Version

This method provides details about a specific version of an object, capturing the state of the object at the time of revision. When a revision is made, the object version prior to the revision is saved, allowing the system to retain the state of the object before the changes were applied.

This includes versioning information such as the ID, associated object ID, the database where the object is stored, the format (e.g., 'json'), and the serialized data representing the object. Additionally, it includes details about the revision that the object version is associated with, its content type, and its representation.

This is typically used for tracking changes to objects, enabling version control, and allowing the retrieval of specific historical states of the object for auditing, rollback, or comparison purposes.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/reversions/versions

Example Response

"count": 2,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 203,
"object_id": "3501",
"db": "default",
"format": "json",
"serialized_data": [
"pk": 3501,
"model": "users.user",
"fields": {
"email_allowed": true,
"sms_allowed": false,
"call_allowed": null
"object_repr": "7495d69e7c2f4c2f02a987a027c6e7f5",
"revision": 203,
"content_type": 6
"id": 100,
"object_id": "1322",
"db": "default",
"format": "json",
"serialized_data": [
"pk": 1322,
"model": "flatpages.flatpage",
"fields": {
"registration_required": false,
"title": "KVKK Acik Riza Metni",
"url": "/acik-riza-metni",
"template_name": "flatpage/index.html",
"sites": [
"content": "<h1>Bu metin acik riza aydinlatma metnidir..</h1>",
"enable_comments": false
"object_repr": "/acik-riza-metni -- KVKK Acik Riza Metni",
"revision": 100,
"content_type": 15
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
object_idIntegerThis field defines as the unique identifier of the versioned object in the database
dbStringThis field db as the database connection where the version record is stored.
formatStringThis field defines as the format in which the serialized data is stored (e.g., JSON, Pickle)
serialized_dataDictionaryThis field defines the serialized form of the object's data, representing its state at the time of the version.
object_reprStringThis field defines the string representation of the object.
revisionIntegerThis field defines the revision object to which the version belongs, grouping changes together.
content_typeIntegerThis field defines the model type of the versioned object.

49. Audit Events

This method returns details about an audit event, including the event's UUID, user information (email, name), timestamp, IP address, accessed URL, query parameters, post data, and request headers. Audit events are used to track user actions and system changes for security and compliance purposes.

Path: {omnitron_url}/api/v1/remote/{channel_id}/data-warehouse/audit-events

Example Response

"count": 1,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"uuid": "7176c59b-cc4e-4c44-XXXsa-a295deebe185",
"user": {
"pk": 2049,
"email": "",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe"
"timestamp": "2024-10-15T10:49:20.209873Z",
"remote_addr": "",
"url": "",
"query_params": {},
"post_data": {},
"headers": {
"X-Omnitron-Session": "1",
"X-Omnitron-User": ";test.akinon;35"
"object_id": 992,
"content": {
"request_method": "PATCH",
"request_data": {
"widget_type": 959,
"attributes": {
"slider_items": [
"mobil_image": "cms/2022/10/11/d188bd54-b444-42h8b-be71-3018a4e9e3be.png",
"image": "cms/2024/10/15/4d7d7a49-6hecf-4925-8969-aa53275506fd.jpg",
"start_date": "2022-08-22T20:57:00.000Z",
"end_date": "2022-08-01T07:53:00.000Z"
"name": "slider_anasayfa",
"template": "slider_anasayfa",
"slug": "anasayfa"
"client_type": "default",
"request_datetime": "2024-10-15T10:49:20.207116+00:00",
"browser_agent": "python-requests/2.32.3"
"content_type": 3
Field NameData TypeDescription
countIntegerThis field defines the total number of records returned.
nextStringThis field defines the URL of the next page.
previousStringThis field defines the URL of the previous page.
resultsListThis field returns a list of results.
idIntegerThis field defines the database ID of the record.
uuidStringThis field defines a unique identifier for the event, typically used to ensure that each event can be distinctly referenced.
userDictionaryThis field defines the user who triggered the event.
timestampStringThis field defines the exact date and time when the event occurred.
remote_addrStringThis field defines the IP address of the client making the request.
urlStringThis field defines the URL that the client accessed during the event.
query_paramsDictionaryThis field defines the query parameters included in the URL during the request.
post_dataDictionaryThis field defines the data sent by the client in the HTTP POST request.
headersDictionaryThis field defines the HTTP headers sent along with the request, which can include metadata about the request.
object_idIntegerThis field defines the unique identifier of the object being affected by the event.
contentDictionaryThis field defines the content or details of the event, typically the data or change made.
content_typeIntegerThis field defines the model type of the object being affected by the event.