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List of REST APIs

Find out how to use our Omnitron REST APIs to integrate third-party solutions.


GET All Attributes

GET Attributes by Attribute Data Type

POST Create an Attribute

DELETE Attribute

GET an Attribute

PATCH Update an Attribute

PUT Update an Attribute

GET Attributes Details

GET an Attribute Detail

GET Attribute Translations

Attribute Config

GET Attribute Config by Attribute

POST Create an Attribute Config

DELETE Attribute Config

GET an Attribute's Config

PATCH Update an Attribute's Config

PUT Update an Attribute's Config

GET Attribute Configs Details

GET Attribute's Config Detail

Attribute Sets

GET Attribute Sets by Attribute Set Type

POST Create an Attribute Set

DELETE Attribute Set

GET an Attribute Set

PATCH Update an Attribute Set

PUT Update an Attribute Set

GET an Attribute Sets Details

GET Attribute Set Detail by Attribute Set Type

GET an Attribute Set Detail

Attribute Values

GET an Attribute Values

POST Create an Attribute Value

GET an Attribute Value

PATCH Update an Attribute Value

PUT Update an Attribute Value

DELETE Attribute Value

GET Attribute Values Details

GET an Attribute Value Detail

GET Attribute Value Translations


GET Banks

POST Create a Bank

GET a Bank Detail


PUT / PATCH Update a Bank

POST Bulk Bank Creation

Bank Accounts

GET List All Bank Accounts

GET a Bank Account Detail

PUT PATCH Update a Bank Account

POST Create a Bank Account

DELETE Bank Account

Bank Identification Numbers

GET List All BIN






GET List All Catalog Items

POST Create aCatalog Item

DELETE Catalog Item

Category Tree

GET List All Category Trees

POST Create a Category Tree

PATCH / PUT Update a Category Tree

DELETE Category Tree

GET Category Tree by ID

GET Category Tree Detail


GET List All Product Collections

POST Create a Static Collection

POST Add a Product to a Static Collection

DELETE Product from Static Collection

POST Create a Dynamic Collection

PATCH Update a Dynamic Collection

DELETE Collection

GET List All Products in a Collection

GET List All Addable Products for a Collection

Credit Cards

GET List All Credit Cards

GET Retrieve a Card Detail

PUT / PATCH Update a Card

POST Create a Card

DELETE a Credit Card

POST Bulk Card Creation

Credit Card Types

GET List All Credit Card Types

GET a Credit Card Type Detail

DELETE a Credit Card Type

PUT / PATCH Update a Credit Card Type

POST Create a New Credit Card Type


GET List All Customers

POST Create a Customer

GET Retrieve a Customer Detail

PATCH Update a Customer

PUT Update a Customer

Installment Options

GET List All Installment Instances

GET Retrieve a Installment Detail

PUT / PATCH Update a Installment Configuration

POST Create a Installment Configuration

DELETE Installment


POST Create a Country

PATCH Update a Country

GET an Attribute Translations

PATCH Update an Attribute Translations


GET Product Images of a Product

GET Product Videos of a Product

POST Create a new Product Image

POST Create a new Product Video

PATCH Modify an existing Product Image

PATCH Modify an existing Product Video

DELETE Product Image

DELETE Product Video

POST Set the Main Image of a Product

POST Recieve Images from ERP


GET List All Orders

GET Retrieve Orders By Order Number

Order Cancellation

POST Create a Cancellation Request

POST Reject a Cancellation Request

POST Approve a Cancellation Request

POST Update a Cancellation Status

GET List All Cancellation Requests

GET a Cancellation Request Detail

PUT Update a Cancellation Request

POST Create a Cancellation Request ?

DELETE Cancellation Request

Order Cancellation Plans

GET List All Cancellation Plan Statuses

POST Update a Cancellation Plan Status

Order Cancellation Reasons

GET List All Cancellation Reasons

POST Create a New Cancellation Reason

PUT Update a Cancellation Reason

DELETE a Cancellation Reason

Payment Options

GET List All Payment Options

GET Retrieve a Payment Option Detail

PUT / PATCH Update a Payment Option

POST Create a Payment Option

Price Lists

GET List All Price Lists

POST Create a Price List

PATCH Update a Price List

POST Bulk Price List Creation


GET List All POS

POST Create a POS

GET a POS Detail


PATCH / PUT Update a POS

GET Retrieve Schema Structure of POS

Retail Stores

GET List All Retail Stores

POST Create a Retail Store

PATCH Modify an existing Retail Store

PUT Modify an existing Retail Store

DELETE Retail Store

POST Add Districts to a Retail Store

POST Remove Districts from a Retail Store

Shipping Companies

GET List All Shipping Companies

POST Create a Shipping Company

PATCH Update a Shipping Company

PUT Update a Shipping Company

DELETE Shipping Company

Shipping Options

GET List All Shipping Options

POST Create a Shipping Option

PATCH Update a Shipping Option

PUT Update a Shipping Option

DELETE Shipping Option

Sorting Algorithms

GET List All Sorting Algorithms

POST Create a Sorting Algorithm

PATCH Update a Sorting Algorithm

GET List All Addable Products for the Algorithm

GET List All Products in an Algorithm

Sorting Options

GET List All Sort Options

POST Create a Sort Option

POST Add a Sorting Algorithm to the Sort Option

GET List All Product Sorting Items

POST Create a Product Sorting Item

DELETE Product Sorting Items

Stock Lists

GET List All Stock List

POST Create a Stock List

PATCH Update a Stock List

POST Bulk Stock List Creation

Omnitron Users

GET List All Users

POST Create a New User

GET Retrieve an User's Detail

PATCH Update an User

PUT Update an User


User Management

GET List All User Permission Scope

GET List All User Permisson Groups

POST Create a New Permission Group

GET Catalog Groups Details

POST Add Group to a Catalog

POST Create a Permission Group for Omnitron Frontend

GET Omnitron Frontend Permission Groups

PATCH Add a New User to Omnitron Frontend Permission Group

GET User Search