Product Stock
ProductStock Data
"pk": 1,
"product": 2250,
"stock": 46,
"stock_list": 1,
"unit_type": "qty",
"sold_quantity_unreported": 0,
"modified_date": "2017-01-23T13:37:31.947171Z"
In the data found in ProductStock:
- The product section contains the primary key (pk) of the product in Omnitrone.
- The stock section shows the available stock quantity.
- The stock_list section contains the ID information of the stock list in Akinon.
- The unit_type section indicates the unit of measure for the quantity.
- The sold_quantity_unreported section indicates the reserved stock quantity in Akinon.
- The modified_date indicates the last updated date.
Tasks running under
related to product integration.
1. Insert Stocks
This task retrieves the ProductStocks that need to be inserted into Akinon's sales side for the first time and sends this data to the command in channel.commands.product_stocks.SendInsertedStocks
. This command creates the product's stock information for the sales channel.
If desired, the stock data can be enriched with the parameter values listed below.
The parameters and descriptions for the insert_product_stocks
service in the StockService are as follows:
Parameters for the insert_product_stocks
service in the Stock Service:
- add_price: Adds product price data to the product stocks.Adding Price Data to Product Stock Data
- add_product_objects: Adds product data to the product stocks.Adding Product Data to Product Stock Data
- is_sync: Indicates whether the status is obtained immediately when the stock is sent to the sales channel. It specifies whether the process is Synchronous or Asynchronous.
classSendInsertedStocks(integration, objects=None, batch_request=None, **kwargs)
This function prepares the data to be sent in a request to transfer the stock information of products from Omnitron to the sales channel. The response should return a list containing ProductStock.
It takes the response returned by the get_data function as a parameter. If a validation of the product stocks to be sent to the sales channel is required, it will be used for that purpose. If no validation is needed, the provided data should be returned.
It takes the response returned by the validated_data function as a parameter. It is used if changes need to be made to the data before sending it to the sales channel. It returns the final version of the data to be sent.
It takes the response returned by the transform_data function as a parameter. This function uses the received data as the endpoint where the request will be sent to the sales channel. It should return either the response or the data that comes with the response.
In this section, since the response to be returned will be sent to the normalize_response function, it is important to pay attention to data types when returning the data.
normalize_response(data,validated_data, transformed_data, response)
This function is where we gather and finalize the data used to send our product stocks to the sales channel in the insert_stocks task. The response returned by this function will be directly used in the insert_product_stocks function.
If the process is asynchronous, the remote_batch_id returned from the sales channel should be processed in the batch_request.
remote_batch_id = response.get("remote_batch_request_id")
self.batch_request.remote_batch_id = remote_batch_id
return "", report, data
This section of the response should consist of three parts:
- response_data: This is the processed version of the data returned from the sales channel. Its type can be either a string or a list. If there is no data to be used in the returned response, an empty string is sufficient. If the returned response is to be used, it must be of type list, with each element being of type BatchRequestResponseDto.
- report: These are the error reports generated while processing the response from the sales channel.
- data: This is the first parameter received by our function, which is the response obtained from the get_data function.
Example return:
return response_data, report, data
2. Update Stocks
It retrieves the ProductStocks that need to be updated on the sales side from Akinon and sends this data to the command found in channel.commands.product_stocks.SendUpdatedStocks
. This command updates the stock information of the product in the sales channel.
If desired, the stock data can be enriched with the parameter values listed below.
The parameters and their descriptions for the update_product_stocks
service within the StockService are as follows:
Parameters for the insert_product_stocks
service in the Stock Service:
- add_price: Adds product price data to the product stocks.Adding Price Data to Product Stock Data
- add_product_objects: Adds product data to the product stocks.Adding Product Data to Product Stock Data
- is_sync: Indicates whether the status is obtained immediately when the stock is sent to the sales channel. It specifies whether the process is Synchronous or Asynchronous.
classSendUpdatedStocks(integration, objects=None, batch_request=None, **kwargs)
In this function, the data to be sent in a request to transfer the updated stock information of products from Omnitron to the sales channel is prepared. The response should return a list containing ProductStock.
It takes the response returned by the get_data function as a parameter. If validation is needed on the product stocks to be sent to the sales channel, it will be used for that purpose. If no validation is required, the provided data should be returned.
It takes the response returned by the validated_data function as a parameter. It is used if changes need to be made to the data before sending it to the sales channel. It returns the final version of the data to be sent.
It takes the response returned by the transform_data function as a parameter. This function uses the received data as the endpoint where the request will be sent to the sales channel. It should return either the response or the data that comes with the response.
In this section, since the response to be returned will be sent to the normalize_response function, it is important to pay attention to data types when returning the data.
normalize_response(data, validated_data, transformed_data, response)
This function is where we gather and finalize the data used to send our product stocks to the sales channel in the update_prices step. The response returned by this function will be directly used in the update_product_stocks function.
If the process is asynchronous, the remote_batch_id returned from the sales channel should be processed in the batch_request.
remote_batch_id = response.get("remote_batch_request_id")
self.batch_request.remote_batch_id = remote_batch_id
return "", report, data
The response returned in this section should consist of three parts:
- response_data: This is the processed version of the data returned from the sales channel. Its type can be either a string or a list. If there is no data to be used in the returned response, an empty string is sufficient. If the returned response is to be used, it must be of type list, with each element being of type BatchRequestResponseDto.
- report: These are the error reports generated while processing the response from the sales channel.
- data: This is the first parameter received by our function, which is the response obtained from the get_data function.
Example return:
return response_data, report, data
3. Check Stocks
It retrieves asynchronously updated or created BatchRequests from Akinon, the statuses of which are unknown, and sends this data to the command found in channel.commands.product_stocks.CheckStocks
. This command allows for checking whether the stock information of the product in the sales channel has been created or updated.
The get_stock_batch_requests
function within the StockService is used for this purpose.
classCheckStocks(integration, objects=None, batch_request=None, kwargs*)
In this function, the data to be sent in a request to check the status of the stock information that has been sent to the sales channel is prepared. The response should return a list containing BatchRequest.
It takes the response returned by the get_data function as a parameter. If validation is needed on the product stock data that has been sent to the sales channel, it will be used for that purpose. If no validation is required, the provided data should be returned.
It takes the response returned by the validated_data function as a parameter. It is used if changes need to be made to the data before sending it to the sales channel. It returns the final version of the data to be sent.
It takes the response returned by the transform_data function as a parameter. This function uses the received data as the endpoint where the request will be sent to the sales channel. It should return either the response or the data that comes with the response.
In this section, since the response to be returned will be sent to the normalize_response function, it is important to pay attention to data types when returning the data.
normalize_response(data, validated_data, transformed_data, response)
This function is where we gather and finalize the data used to query the sales channel regarding the processing status of our product stocks in the check_stocks task. The response returned by this function will be directly used in the get_stock_batch_requests function.
The response returned in this section should consist of three parts:
- response_data: This is the processed version of the data returned from the sales channel. Its type can be either a string or a list. If there is no data to be used in the returned response, an empty string is sufficient. If the returned response is to be used, it must be of type list, with each element being of type BatchRequestResponseDto.
- report: These are the error reports generated while processing the response from the sales channel.
- data: This is the first parameter received by our function, which is the response obtained from the get_data function.
Example return:
return response_data, report, data
Adding Price Data to Product Stock Data
"pk": 1,
"product": 2250,
"stock": 46,
"stock_list": 1,
"unit_type": "qty",
"sold_quantity_unreported": 0,
"modified_date": "2017-01-23T13:37:31.947171Z",
"productprice": {
"pk": 2,
"product": 913,
"price": "62.44",
"price_list": 1,
"currency_type": "try",
"tax_rate": "8.00",
"retail_price": "249.75",
"extra_field": {},
"discount_percentage": "75.00",
"modified_date": "2017-01-23T18:29:23.716095Z"
Adding Product Data to Product Stock Data
"pk": 1,
"product": 2250,
"stock": 46,
"stock_list": 1,
"unit_type": "qty",
"sold_quantity_unreported": 0,
"modified_date": "2017-01-23T13:37:31.947171Z",
"product": {
"pk": 12227,
"name": "Kırmızı Tişört",
"base_code": "1KBATC0231",
"sku": "1KBATC0231001",
"product_type": "0",
"is_active": true,
"parent": null,
"attributes": {
"boyut": "34X34",
"renk": "001",
"uretim_yeri": "Türkiye",
"materyal": "%100 POLYESTER",
"productimage_set": [
"pk": 20044,
"status": "active",
"image": "http://localhost:8001/media/products/2021/10/17/12227/1bfe74b4-175e-4c1a-80f2-b355feae498c.jpg"
"attribute_set": 2,
"productization_date": "2017-01-23T16:40:58.578504Z"
Source Code
Source Code of the channel.commands.product_stocks Item:
from typing import Tuple, Any, List
from import (
SendUpdatedStocks as AppSendUpdatedStocks,
SendInsertedStocks as AppSendInsertedStocks,
CheckStocks as AppCheckStocks,
from import (
ErrorReportDto, BatchRequestResponseDto
from omnisdk.omnitron.models import ProductStock, BatchRequest
class SendUpdatedStocks(AppSendUpdatedStocks):
param_sync = True
def get_data(self) -> List[ProductStock]:
raise NotImplementedError
def validated_data(self, data) -> object:
raise NotImplementedError
def transform_data(self, data) -> object:
raise NotImplementedError
def send_request(self, transformed_data) -> object:
raise NotImplementedError
def normalize_response(self, data, validated_data, transformed_data,
response) -> Tuple[List[BatchRequestResponseDto],
ErrorReportDto, Any]:
raise NotImplementedError
class SendInsertedStocks(AppSendInsertedStocks):
param_sync = True
def get_data(self) -> List[ProductStock]:
raise NotImplementedError
def validated_data(self, data) -> object:
raise NotImplementedError
def transform_data(self, data) -> object:
raise NotImplementedError
def send_request(self, transformed_data) -> object:
raise NotImplementedError
def normalize_response(self, data, validated_data, transformed_data,
response) -> Tuple[List[BatchRequestResponseDto],
ErrorReportDto, Any]:
raise NotImplementedError
class CheckStocks(AppCheckStocks):
def get_data(self) -> BatchRequest:
raise NotImplementedError
def validated_data(self, data) -> object:
raise NotImplementedError
def transform_data(self, data) -> object:
raise NotImplementedError
def send_request(self, transformed_data) -> object:
raise NotImplementedError
def normalize_response(self, data, validated_data, transformed_data,
response) -> Tuple[List[BatchRequestResponseDto],
ErrorReportDto, Any]:
raise NotImplementedError