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Product Data

Product Simple Data

"pk": 12227,
"name": "Kırmızı Tişört",
"base_code": "1KBATC0231",
"sku": "1KBATC0231001",
"product_type": "0",
"is_active": true,
"parent": null,
"attributes": {
"boyut": "34X34",
"renk": "001",
"uretim_yeri": "Türkiye",
"materyal": "%100 POLYESTER",
"productimage_set": [
"pk": 20044,
"status": "active",
"image": "http://localhost:8001/media/products/2021/10/17/12227/1bfe74b4-175e-4c1a-80f2-b355feae498c.jpg"
"attribute_set": 2,
"productization_date": "2017-01-23T16:40:58.578504Z"

Mapping Data in the Product

This refers to the result of the mapping service applied to the product data, which includes the characteristics of the sales channel on Akinon.

The mapped_attributes property name is included in the product data and contains the mapping results that the company requires.

In the mapped_attribute_values section, you can access the attribute’s Omnitron ID along with the special code in the sales channel (remote_id) and other attribute information. The attribute_set_id and attribute_set_name indicate which attribute set this product corresponds to in Omnitron. The attribute_set_remote_id is the unique code representing the attribute set in the sales channel.

"pk": 12227,
"name": "Kırmızı Tişört",
"base_code": "1KBATC0231",
"sku": "1KBATC0231001",
"product_type": "0",
"is_active": true,
"parent": null,
"attributes": {
"boyut": "34X34",
"renk": "001",
"uretim_yeri": "Türkiye",
"materyal": "%100 POLYESTER",
"productimage_set": [
"pk": 20044,
"status": "active",
"image": "http://localhost:8001/media/products/2021/10/17/12227/1bfe74b4-175e-4c1a-80f2-b355feae498c.jpg"
"attribute_set": 2,
"productization_date": "2017-01-23T16:40:58.578504Z",
"mapped_attributes": {
"pk": 370,
"mapped_attributes": {
"size": "34 - 34"
"color": "red",
"age": "std",
"desc": "%100 POLYESTER"
"attribute_set_id": 1,
"attribute_set_name": "Giyim",
"attribute_set_remote_id": null,
"mapped_attribute_values": {
"123": {
"attribute_name": "size",
"label": "34 - 34",
"value": "34 - 34",
"attribute_remote_id": 22,
"is_required": true,
"is_variant": false,
"is_custom": false,
"is_meta": false
"223": {
"attribute_name": "color",
"label": "RED",
"value": "red",
"attribute_remote_id": 23,
"is_required": true,
"is_variant": false,
"is_custom": false,
"is_meta": false

Stock Data in the Product

This refers to the inclusion of stock information in the product data.

The data is contained within productstock in the product data, which includes:

  • stock: The quantity of available stock for sale.
  • stock_list: The ID information of the stock list in Akinon.
  • unit_type: The unit of measurement for the quantity.
  • sold_quantity_unreported: The reserved stock quantity in Akinon.
  • modified_date: The date of the last update.
"pk": 12227,
"name": "Kırmızı Tişört",
"base_code": "1KBATC0231",
"sku": "1KBATC0231001",
"product_type": "0",
"is_active": true,
"parent": null,
"attributes": {
"boyut": "34X34",
"renk": "001",
"uretim_yeri": "Türkiye",
"materyal": "%100 POLYESTER",
"productimage_set": [
"pk": 20044,
"status": "active",
"image": "http://localhost:8001/media/products/2021/10/17/12227/1bfe74b4-175e-4c1a-80f2-b355feae498c.jpg"
"attribute_set": 2,
"productization_date": "2017-01-23T16:40:58.578504Z",
"productstock": {
"pk": 1,
"product": 2250,
"stock": 46,
"stock_list": 1,
"unit_type": "qty",
"sold_quantity_unreported": 0,
"modified_date": "2017-01-23T13:37:31.947171Z"

Price Data in the Product

This refers to the inclusion of price information in the product data.

The data is contained within productprice in the product data, which includes:

  • price: The sale price of the product.
  • price_list: The ID information of the price list in Akinon.
  • currency_type: The unit of currency for the price information.
  • tax_rate: The tax rate applied to the product.
  • retail_price: The store price of the product.
  • discount_percentage: The discount information applied to the product.
  • modified_date: The date of the last update.
"pk": 12227,
"name": "Kırmızı Tişört",
"base_code": "1KBATC0231",
"sku": "1KBATC0231001",
"product_type": "0",
"is_active": true,
"parent": null,
"attributes": {
"boyut": "34X34",
"renk": "001",
"uretim_yeri": "Türkiye",
"materyal": "%100 POLYESTER",
"productimage_set": [
"pk": 20044,
"status": "active",
"image": "http://localhost:8001/media/products/2021/10/17/12227/1bfe74b4-175e-4c1a-80f2-b355feae498c.jpg"
"attribute_set": 2,
"productization_date": "2017-01-23T16:40:58.578504Z",
"productprice": {
"pk": 2,
"product": 913,
"price": "62.44",
"price_list": 1,
"currency_type": "try",
"tax_rate": "8.00",
"retail_price": "249.75",
"extra_field": {},
"discount_percentage": "75.00",
"modified_date": "2017-01-23T18:29:23.716095Z"

Category Data in the Product

This refers to the inclusion of category information in the product data.

The category data is contained within category_nodes in the product data, which includes:

  • name: The name of the category.
"pk": 12227,
"name": "Kırmızı Tişört",
"base_code": "1KBATC0231",
"sku": "1KBATC0231001",
"product_type": "0",
"is_active": true,
"parent": null,
"attributes": {
"boyut": "34X34",
"renk": "001",
"uretim_yeri": "Türkiye",
"materyal": "%100 POLYESTER",
"productimage_set": [
"pk": 20044,
"status": "active",
"image": "http://localhost:8001/media/products/2021/10/17/12227/1bfe74b4-175e-4c1a-80f2-b355feae498c.jpg"
"attribute_set": 2,
"productization_date": "2017-01-23T16:40:58.578504Z"
"category_nodes": [
"pk": 255,
"name": "Shop",
"order": 1,
"numchild": 4,
"depth": 1,
"sort_option": 20,
"uuid": "cf461e84-1f19-497b-8fb8-555805e58221",
"path": "0001",
"created_date": "2021-10-06T13:48:07.643569Z",
"modified_date": "2021-11-01T13:54:52.526750Z"

Synchronous or Asynchronous Sales Channel Process

The is_sync parameter relates to whether the product process will be synchronous or asynchronous.

If operations such as insert, update, or delete are processed immediately upon being sent to the sales channel, and the result is returned in the response, then this is a synchronous process. In synchronous operations, the commands related to the product must return data in the ProductBatchRequestResponseDto format:

  • classProductBatchRequestResponseDto(status: channel_app.omnitron.constants.ResponseStatus, sku: str, remote_id: Optional[str] = '', message: Optional[str] = '')
data: any
report: List[ErrorReportDto]
response_data: List[ProductBatchRequestResponseDto]
return response_data, report, data

If the processes are handled asynchronously, a code must be returned from the relevant sales channel for later verification (remote_batch_request_id).

remote_batch_id = response.get("remote_batch_request_id")
self.batch_request.remote_batch_id = remote_batch_id
return "", report, data

If a process is asynchronous but has pre-checks in the sales channel, and some records are processed while immediate results are shared for others, the errors for problematic records must still be indicated, even though the process is asynchronous. These issues appear in the error reports.

(price, ContentType.product_stock.value,
"Product has not been sent"))

Source code of the item:

import datetime
from dataclasses import dataclass
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import List, Optional

from channel_app.omnitron.constants import ResponseStatus, \

class CategoryNodeDto:
name: str
children: List['CategoryNodeDto']
remote_id: Optional[str] = ''
parent: Optional['CategoryNodeDto'] = None

class CategoryTreeDto:
root: CategoryNodeDto

class CategoryAttributeValueDto:
remote_id: str
name: str

class CategoryAttributeDto:
remote_id: str
name: str
required: bool
variant: bool
allow_custom_value: bool
values: List[CategoryAttributeValueDto]

class AttributeValueDto:
remote_id: str
name: str

class AttributeDto:
remote_id: str
name: str
values: List[AttributeValueDto]

class CategoryDto:
remote_id: str
name: str
attributes: List[CategoryAttributeDto]

class ChannelConfSchemaField:
required: bool
data_type: ChannelConfSchemaDataTypes
key: str
label: str
schema: Optional[dict] = None

class ErrorReportDto:
action_content_type: str
action_object_id: int
modified_date: str
raw_request: str = ""
raw_response: str = ""
error_code: str = "custom"
error_description: str = "custom"
is_ok: bool = False
target_content_type: Optional[str] = ''
target_object_id: Optional[str] = ''

class BatchRequestObjectsDto:
pk: int
version_date: str
content_type: str
failed_reason_type: Optional[str] = ''
remote_id: Optional[int] = 0

class BatchRequestDto:
channel: int
local_batch_id: str
content_type: str
pk: Optional[int] = 0
remote_batch_id: Optional[str] = ''
status: Optional[str] = ''
objects: Optional[List[BatchRequestObjectsDto]] = []

class ProductBatchRequestResponseDto:
status: ResponseStatus
sku: str
remote_id: Optional[str] = ''
message: Optional[str] = ''

class BatchRequestResponseDto:
status: ResponseStatus
remote_id: Optional[str] = ''
sku: Optional[str] = ''
message: Optional[str] = ''

class OrderBatchRequestResponseDto:
status: ResponseStatus
remote_id: str
number: str
message: Optional[str] = ''

class OmnitronOrderDto:
remote_id: str
number: str
channel: int
customer: int
shipping_address: int
billing_address: int
currency: str
amount: Decimal
shipping_amount: Decimal
shipping_tax_rate: Decimal
extra_field: dict
cargo_company: int
created_at: datetime.datetime
delivery_type: Optional[str] = None
discount_amount: Optional[Decimal] = "0.0"
net_shipping_amount: Optional[Decimal] = "0.0"
tracking_number: Optional[str] = None
carrier_shipping_code: Optional[str] = ""
remote_addr: Optional[str] = None
has_gift_box: Optional[bool] = False
gift_box_note: Optional[str] = ""
client_type: Optional[str] = ""
language_code: Optional[str] = ""
notes: Optional[str] = ""
delivery_range: Optional[str] = None
shipping_option_slug: Optional[str] = ""
status: Optional[str] = ""

class OrderItemDto:
remote_id: str
product: str
price_currency: str
price: Decimal
tax_rate: Decimal
extra_field: dict
status: Optional[str] = None
price_list: Optional[int] = None
stock_list: Optional[int] = None
tracking_number: Optional[str] = None
invoice_number: Optional[str] = None
invoice_date: Optional[str] = None
carrier_shipping_code: Optional[str] = ""
discount_amount: Optional[Decimal] = 0.0
retail_price: Optional[Decimal] = 0.0
attributes: Optional[dict] = None
attributes_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None
parent: Optional[str] = None
delivered_date: Optional[str] = None
estimated_delivery_date: Optional[str] = None

# dataclass used for omnitron.commands.orders.orders.CreateOrders
class OmnitronCreateOrderDto:
order: OmnitronOrderDto
order_item: List[OrderItemDto]

class CancelOrderDto:
order: str # remote order number
cancel_items: List[str] # order_item_remote_id list
reasons: dict # order_item_remote_id : reason code
is_cargo_refund: Optional[bool] = False # default False
forced_refund_amount: Optional[bool] = None # default False
refund_invoice_number: Optional[str] = None

class CustomerDto:
email: str # ""
first_name: str # "John"
last_name: str # "Doe"
channel_code: str # will be unique
extra_field: Optional[dict] = None
phone_number: Optional[str] = None # "05556667788"
is_active: Optional[bool] = True

class AddressDto:
email: str # ""
phone_number: str # "05556667788"
first_name: str # "John"
last_name: str # "Doe"
country: str # 1
city: str # 80
line: str # "Hemen sahil kenarı"
title: Optional[str] = None # "COMM-876"
township: Optional[str] = None # 933
district: Optional[str] = None # 71387
postcode: Optional[str] = None # ""
notes: Optional[str] = None # null
company_name: Optional[str] = None # ""
tax_office: Optional[str] = None # ""
tax_no: Optional[str] = None # ""
e_bill_taxpayer: Optional[bool] = False
remote_id: Optional[str] = None # null
identity_number: Optional[str] = None # null
extra_field: Optional[dict] = None # {}
is_active: Optional[bool] = True # true
retail_store: Optional[str] = None

class ChannelOrderDto(OmnitronOrderDto):
customer = CustomerDto
shipping_address = AddressDto
billing_address = AddressDto
cargo_company = str

class ChannelCreateOrderDto:
order: ChannelOrderDto
order_item: List[OrderItemDto]

class ChannelUpdateOrderItemDto:
remote_id: str
order_remote_id: Optional[str] = None
order_number: Optional[str] = None
status: Optional[str] = None
invoice_number: Optional[str] = None
invoice_date: Optional[str] = None
tracking_number: Optional[str] = None
extra_field: Optional[dict] = None