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View & Template Rendering

  • Checkout structure basically consists of three pages.
    • If the user has not logged in, it first redirects to the Login-Register-Guest page.
    • If the user has logged in, it redirects to the Checkout/Address-Payment page.
    • If the order is successfully completed, it redirects to the Success page.


HTML Path: templates/orders/index.html

Included File: templates/orders/login/index.html

Js Path: templates/orders/login/index.js

  • Optionally, each of the forms Login, Register and Guest or a combination of these can be used.

  • When creating forms in page content, Html(Jinja) and Javascript should be used together.

  • Form macros are imported on the top of the page.

    {# templates/orders/login/index.html #}
    {% from 'auth/_forms/loginForm.html' import LoginForm %}
    {% from 'auth/_forms/registerForm.html' import RegisterForm %}
    {% from 'auth/_forms/guestForm.html' import GuestForm %}
  • Optionally, a id value that corresponds to the ID value of <pz-form> element as a parameter can be sent when using macros.

    For instance, if the same form is to be used twice in mobile and desktop viewing, then the forms need to be distinguished by ID.

    {# templates/orders/login/index.html #}

    {{ LoginForm() }}
    {# The default id value is "LoginForm". #}

    {{ LoginForm('checkout_login_form') }}
    {# It can also be used with the custom id value. #}

    {{ RegisterForm() }}
    {# The default id value is "RegisterForm". #}

    {{ RegisterForm('checkout_register_form') }}
    {# It can also be used with the custom id value. #}

    {{ GuestForm() }}
    {# The default id value is "GuestForm". #}

    {{ GuestForm('checkout_guest_form') }}
    {# It can also be used with the custom id value. #}
  • LoginForm, RegisterForm and GuestForm JS classes are imported under templates/orders/login/index.js.

    /* templates/orders/login/index.js */
    import LoginForm from '../../auth/_forms/loginForm';
    import RegisterForm from '../../auth/_forms/RegisterForm';
    import GuestForm from '../../auth/_forms/guestForm';
  • LoginForm, RegisterForm and GuestForm JS classes are called in the constructor method under CheckoutAuth class of templates/orders/login/index.js.

    Form element should be sent as a parameter to each class.

    /* templates/orders/login/index.js */
    constructor() {
    new LoginForm(document.getElementById('LoginForm'));
    new RegisterForm(document.getElementById('RegisterForm'));
    new GuestForm(document.getElementById('GuestForm'));


HTML Path: templates/orders/checkout.html

Included File: templates/orders/checkout/index.html

JS Path: templates/orders/checkout/index.js

  • Checkout/Address-Payment page consists of three main components, which are Address Tab, Checkout Tab and Order Summary.

  • When creating page content, Html(Jinja) and Javascript should be used together.

  • There are tabs on top of the page. You can switch between tabs Address and Checkout.

  • Order Summary field is fixed on the page.

  • Tab there are certain functions to launch the structure.

    • The js-tab class should be used for the tab button and a key that matches content should be used in data-tab attribute.
    • The js-tab-content class should be used for tab content and a key matching tab should be used in data-tab attribute. ​
{# templates/orders/checkout/index.html #}

{# Tab Buttons #}
<button class="js-tab" data-tab="address">Address</button>
<button class="js-tab" data-tab="payment">Checkout</button>

{# Tab Contents #}
<div class="js-tab-content" data-tab="address">
{% include './address/index.html' %}
<div class="js-tab-content" data-tab="payment">
{% include './payment/index.html' %}

{# Order Summary #}
{% include './summary/index.html' %}
  • As seen in the code block above, the ./address/index.html file for address tab content and the ./payment/index.html file for the payment tab content are include.

  • Also demonstrated in the above code block, the ./summary/index.html file is include for the order summary content.

  • Tabs and Summary JS classes are imported under templates/orders/checkout/index.js.

    /* templates/orders/checkout/index.js */
    import Tabs from './tabs';
    import Summary from './summary';
  • Tabs and Summary JS classes are called in the constructor method under Checkout class of templates/orders/checkout/index.js.

    /* templates/orders/checkout/index.js */
    constructor() {
    // Runs the tab structure.
    new Tabs();

    // Runs the order summary fields.
    new Summary(document.querySelector('.js-checkout-page'));

Address (Address Tab)

HTML Path: templates/orders/checkout/address/index.html

JS Path: templates/orders/checkout/address/index.js

  • It is the page that contains the list of addresses and shipping companies.

  • The address list field consists of the following components:

    • Information message,
    • List of delivery addresses,
    • List of invoice addresses and
    • Address add and edit form. ​
  • The shipping company list field consists of the following components:

    • Information message and
    • List of shipping companies.
  • The templateRenderer JS method is used when creating lists on top of the page.

templateRenderer The description of the JS method is at the end of this document.

Payment (Payment Tab)

HTML Path: templates/orders/checkout/payment/index.html

JS Path: templates/orders/checkout/payment/index.js

  • It is the page that contains payment methods, installment options based on payment method, and the complete order button.

  • There are tabs on top of the page. You can switch between available payment options tabs.

  • Tab there are certain functions to launch the structure.

    • The js-payment-tab class should be used for the tab button and a key that matches content should be used in data-type attribute.
    • The js-payment-tab-content class should be used for the tab content and a key that matches tab should be used in data-type attribute.
{# templates/orders/checkout/payment/index.html #}

{# Tab Buttons #}
<button class="js-payment-tab" data-type="credit_card">Credit Card</button>
<button class="js-payment-tab" data-type="funds_transfer">Funds Transfer</button>

{# Tab Contents #}
<div class="js-payment-tab-content" data-type="credit_card">
{% include './credit-card/index.html' %}
<div class="js-payment-tab-content" data-type="funds_transfer">
{% include './funds-transfer/index.html' %}
  • As seen in the code block above, the ./credit-card/index.html file for credit card payment option tab content and the ./funds-transfer/index.html file for the bank transfer payment option tab content are include.

Summary (Order Summary)

HTML Path: templates/orders/checkout/summary/index.html

JS Path: templates/orders/checkout/summary/index.js

  • It is the page that includes all items in the order and item details, as well as price and discount information.


JS Path: templates/utils/index.js

  • The keys written in a certain format on HTML elements are matched with RegExp by JS, rendered and render by templateRenderer method.

  • The keys in %_keyName_% format can be inserted in any field in the HTML elements to be used as Template.

  • Template the content of the HTML element to be used for this purpose will be read and the action will be carried out there

    That means, the element we identified as template with the id or class definition will not be included in the outcome.

    <!-- The template element must have at least one of the unique id or unique class values. -->
    <div id="user-data-template">
    <div data-user-pk="%\_userPk\_%">
    <span>Welcome, %\_userName\_%<span>
    <span>Your location is %\_userLocation\_% and permission is %\_userPermission\_%<span>

    <!-- The template element must have at least one of the unique id or unique class values. -->
    <div class="js-user-data"></div>
  • As for JS, the HTML element we identified as template is selected, the keys it contains are updated with values and render into an element, for which an outcome is requested.

    // The element determined as template is read with the .html() method.
    const template = $('#user-data-template').html();

    // Determine the new element to render new content.
    const renderContainer = $('.js-user-data');

    // Sample data object. This object will come from API.
    const data = {
    userPk: 1,
    userName: 'Akinon',
    userLocation: 'Istanbul',
    userPermission: 'Administrator'

    // The first parameter should be 'template' and the second parameter should be 'data to change'.
    const content = templateRenderer(template, data);

    // Write the content to renderContainer element.

The keys in the data object matched the keys in template as they have the same title. In the
data object;

was searched and found as
%_userPk_% --> userPk,
%_userName_% --> userName,
%_userLocation_% --> userLocation,
%_userPermission_% --> userPermission and its value was received. ​

const template = $('#user-data-template').html();
const renderContainer = $('.js-user-data');
const data = {
pk: 1,
user_name: 'Akinon',
user_location: 'Istanbul',
user_permission: 'Administrator'
const content = templateRenderer(template, {
userName: data.userName,
userLocation: data.userLocation,
userPermission: data.userPermission

In the above example; the keys the data object do not have the same title as the keys in template. Therefore, a new object should be created for the second parameter of templateRenderer method and matches should be established. Otherwise, content constant will return an empty result.

  • Finally, the outcome will be as follows.

    <!-- The structure of template element will not change. -->
    <div id="user-data-template">
    <div data-user-pk="%\_userPk\_%">
    <span>Welcome, %\_userName\_%<span>
    <span>Your location is %\_userLocation\_% and permission is %\_userPermission\_%<span>

    <!-- Content will be rendered into the element below. -->
    <div class="js-user-data">
    <div data-user-pk="1">
    <span>Welcome, Akinon<span>
    <span>Your location is Istanbul and permission is Administrator<span>