Other URLs
Notification URL for Successful Transaction
When a payment transaction is successfully completed, information about the content of the payment is sent to the merchant. The notification_url
, where the information will be sent, is specified during the creation of the payment session. Additionally, the system continues to send requests until a successful result is received at specific time intervals.
- The notification process occurs synchronously.
- If no response is received from the service provided by the merchant, the related payment transaction goes into Quarantine status.
- If notifications for transactions in quarantine status cannot be made even after the 2nd attempt, the system automatically cancels/refunds the transaction.
- The user's browser, who successfully completes the payment, is redirected to the URL returned in the
Method: POST
URL: {notification_url}
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
order_id | string | Order number registered in Akinon. |
is_successful | boolean | Indicates whether the transaction was successful. |
merchant_id | string | Akinon identification number for the merchant. |
akifast_user_id | string | Akinon identification number for the Akifast user. |
transaction | object | Object containing information about the payment transaction. |
transaction.transaction_date | string | Date of the successful payment transaction record. |
transaction.is_preauth | boolean | Pre-authorization information for the successful payment transaction. |
transaction.is_threed | boolean | 3D payment information for the successful payment transaction. |
transaction.currency | currency | Payment currency. |
transaction.order_amount | number | Order amount. |
transaction.total_paid_amount | number | Total paid amount. |
transaction.installment_count | long | Number of installments. |
transaction.installment_amount | number | Installment amount. |
transaction.interest_rate | number | Interest rate. |
transaction.interest_amount | number | Interest amount. |
transaction.shipping_amount | number | Shipping amount of the order. |
transaction.shipping_option_key | string | Key corresponding to the shipping option in Akinon. |
transaction.akipay_transaction_id | string | Akinon identification of the successful payment transaction. |
transaction.payment_system_raw_response | string | Raw response from the payment system. |
payment_info | object | System information where the successful payment transaction passed. |
payment_info.payment_system_name | string | Name of the system where the payment transaction passed. |
payment_info.payment_system_code | string | Code of the system where the payment transaction passed. |
payment_info.payment_system_bank | string | Name of the bank where the payment transaction passed. |
payment_info.payment_system_eftcode | string | EFT code of the bank where the payment transaction passed. |
payment_info.pg_transaction_id | string | Unique identification number where information is held in the payment system. |
payment_info.pg_reference_id | string | Reference number of the payment system. |
payment_info.pg_auth_code | string | Authentication code of the payment system. |
payment_info.pg_settlement_number | string | Settlement number of the payment system at the end of the day. |
payment_info.pg_order_id | string | POS order number. |
payment_info.pg_group_id | string | POS group number. |
payment_info.pg_proc_return_code | string | POS transaction return code. |
payment_info.pg_merchant_id | string | POS merchant ID. |
payment_info.pg_terminal_id | string | POS terminal ID. |
payment_info.pg_transaction_date | string | POS transaction date. |
payment_info.pg_system_error_message | string | POS system error message. |
card_info[0].masked_card_number | string | Masked number of the card used in the successful payment transaction. |
card_info[0].masked_card_holder_name | string | Masked name on the card used in the successful payment transaction. |
card_info[0].bin | string | BIN number of the card used in the successful payment transaction. |
card_info[0].card_type | enum | Type of the card used in the successful payment transaction (CardType). |
card_info[0].card_brand | enum | Brand of the card used in the successful payment transaction (CardBrand). |
card_info[0].card_network | string | System to which the card used in the successful payment transaction is connected. |
card_info[0].issuer | string | Bank of the card used in the payment transaction. |
card_info[0].is_commercial | boolean | Commercial information of the card used in the payment transaction. |
card_info[0].saved_card | boolean | Information about the saved card used in the payment transaction. |
shipping_address | object | Shipping address (Object details are the same as in the cargo tracking). |
billing_address | object | Billing address (Object details are the same as in the cargo tracking). |
akifast_user | object | Object containing information about the Akinon user. |
akifast_user.name | string | Name of the Akifast user. |
akifast_user.surname | string | Surname of the Akifast user. |
akifast_user.gender | string | Gender of the Akifast user. |
akifast_user.email | string | Email address of the Akifast user. |
akifast_user.birth_date | date | Birthdate of the Akifast user. |
akifast_user.identity_number | string | Identity number of the Akifast user. |
akifast_user.phone_number | string | Phone number of the Akifast user (country code + phone number). |
akifast_user.phone.country_phone_code | string | Country code of the Akifast user's phone number (e.g., +90). |
akifast_user.phone.national_phone_number | string | National phone number of the Akifast user (e.g., 5XXXXXXXXX). |
akifast_user.akinon_user_id | string | Akinon identification number of the Akifast user. |
akifast_user.status | enum | Status values of the Akifast user (UserStatus). |
akifast_user.verification_date | date | Verification date of the Akinon account of the Akifast user. |
akifast_user.email_verified | boolean | Information if the email of the Akifast user is verified. |
agreements | boolean | Agreement approval information. |
merchant_customer_id | string | User identification number belonging to the merchant. |
merchant_customer_phone_number | string | User phone number belonging to the merchant. |
merchant_customer_email | string | User email address belonging to the merchant. |
basket_id | string | Basket identification number. |
conversation_id | string | Private conversation identifier. |
basket | object | Basket holding selected products during the payment session. |
basket.basket_id | string | Basket identification number. |
basket.total_product_amount | number | Total amount of products |
Response Parameters
Return Value | Type | Example | Description |
return_url | string | https://{{client-shop-url}}/success-order/L1WzXXkPEZIVd3vg | URL returned from the merchant. |
merchant_customer_id | string | 123456 | Customer identification number belonging to the merchant. |
merchant_customer_date_joined | date | 2024-02-15T07:57:44.002156Z | The date when the merchant registered with Akinon. |
merchant_customer_akifast_date_joined | date | 2024-02-15T07:57:44.002156Z | The date when the merchant registered with Akifast. |
URL to Redirect Users Upon Successful Transaction
Upon a successful transaction, the user is directed to the return_url
address specified in the merchant's transaction notification response, if available. Otherwise, they are redirected to the success_url
address provided during the payment session.
URL for Abandoned User
If a user abandons the payment transaction, they are redirected to the cancel_url
address specified in the payment session.