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Starting Step


Before starting the development, the following settings need to be completed.

  1. The file needs to include information such as the project name, version, URL of the repository (e.g., Bitbucket, GitHub), a description of the application, the author(s) of the application, Python version requirement, and a list of required packages.

  2. The CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE object within channel_app_template/celery_app/ includes the processes you want to run. The processes to be used for the sales channel integration with Akinon are developed in a predefined way and moved to the comment line. You can remove the processes that need to run from the comment line at regular intervals and specify its frequency of running.



The services of the Sales Channel communicate via the commands in the Actions feature. Each command needs to include the functions get_data, validated_data, transform_data, send_request, and normalize_request.


The channel is an object representing the sales channel.

FAILED_INTEGRATION and ATTRIBUTE_SET_STRATEGY are mandatory fields in the schema.

  1. ATTRIBUTE_SET_STRATEGY can take values "CategoryNode" or "None." It is required to determine if attribute sets are related to category nodes.

  2. FAILED_INTEGRATION is the field where the time intervals required for reattempting failed processes are entered.

Example Channel Object:

"pk": 1,
"name": "test1:1_Channel",
"channel_type": "sales_channel",
"catalog": 1,
"modified_date": "2022-04-01T11:35:56.485644Z",
"created_date": "2022-02-18T14:17:35.169367Z",
"category_tree": 24,
"is_active": True,
"base_url": "",
"client_id": "69b5c9c1-20e1-4c62-89f9-7186bde1b13f",
"schema": {
"data_type": "json",
"required": True},
"required": True,
"data_type": "text"}


The catalog is an object representing the catalog.

Example Catalog Object:

"pk": 1,
"name": "test1:1_Catalog",
"stock_list": None,
"price_list": None,
"category_tree": None,
"modified_date": "2022-02-18T14:17:35.159703Z",
"created_date": "2022-02-18T14:17:35.159683Z",
"priority_list": None,
"extra_stock_lists": [],
"extra_price_lists": []


The Session object allows you to persist specific parameters between requests and carries identification information (Cookies) in all requests made with Session. If you make multiple requests to the same host, the underlying TCP connection will be reused, leading to a significant performance boost. For more detailed information, refer Session Objects.


This object is used when making requests to the sales channel's services. The Session object can be used within the send_request function in the commands.

Example Usage:

>>> session.get("")

do_action (key: str, **kwargs) → Any

Do Action is triggered through services. To call it, an integration object must be created beforehand. The key parameter represents the command that will run. This command should be within the Actions property of the relative integration. Additional parameters provided as kwargs are used to create the Command object directly. Lastly, it calls the run function of the related command to run it.

Example Usage:

with OmnitronIntegration(content_type=ContentType.category_tree.value) as omnitron_integration:
channel_integration = ChannelIntegration()
category_tree, report, _ = channel_integration.do_action(